Heroes Fanart

Jan 26, 2009 17:28

Oh, y'all. I've done a terrible, awful thing~


drawings, tv: heroes

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burningvigor January 27 2009, 04:52:39 UTC
That is so cute it kills. ♥



tinted_glass January 27 2009, 04:59:04 UTC
Thank you. ♥

DUDE, you are like my Heroes news source. And to answer your question, I wasn't looking forward to the Superbowl before but I SURE AM NOW.


burningvigor January 27 2009, 05:02:01 UTC
AHAHAHAH, I know, right. >_>;; I am still probably not going to watch the actual show when it comes back (just yet), but I can't miss out on that.


tinted_glass January 27 2009, 05:08:35 UTC
So long as you hold even an inkling of true (POSITIVE) feelings for Heroes, don't ever stop. I would miss out on so many AMAZING THINGS otherwise! PFFT. And oh God, I know. Look at all of them in their football uniforms. ON A FOOTBALL FIELD. PLAYING FOOTBALL. I cannot quite get over my amusement and how perfectly NORMAL it is for Heroes to cater such crack.


burningvigor January 27 2009, 05:13:33 UTC
I'm just so amused that they're going to be using their powers unfairly in this game, PFFFFT. I kind of want Peter to shove Nathan's face into the dirt or something. >:D And I probably won't be able to keep up with the news quite as well if I'm not watching, BUT I WILL TRY. ♥


tinted_glass January 27 2009, 05:25:29 UTC
Using their powers unfairly begs to ask the question, WHAT IS MOHINDER'S CONTRIBUTION to the team? Because I'll be honest here, if he wraps everyone in cocoons I will asphyxiate on laughter. SUPER STRENGTH, MAYBE?

I kind of want Peter to shove Nathan's face into the dirt or something.
AHAHAH, I want this, yes. Or he could use him as a football. I don't necessarily mean in the capacity that Nathan can FLY THROUGH THE GOAL, either. :>


burningvigor January 27 2009, 05:33:19 UTC
... Probably super-strength. I hope. Or jumping around like a crazy-person. But I wish he could just be a normal, not gonna lie.

LOL, Nathan has such an unfair advantage with his power. Once he has the ball, it's like smooth sailing. 8D;; Unless Peter's on the other team and can chase him down, but I suspect Nathan's faster.

(P.S. App Ando.)


tinted_glass January 27 2009, 07:51:10 UTC
OR Mohinder will eat the sweet, sweaty flesh of the losing team in his victory feast. OHGOD, the jokes are too easy. I can't help myself, pfffft.

I think having PETER on the team is an unfair advantage in an already unfair lineup of CHEATING HEROES. He is like the completely broken unlockable character at the end of a video game with his DISPROPORTIONATE AWESOME. If Sylar's on the opposing team, though, that would be amazing.



burningvigor January 28 2009, 03:35:19 UTC
Sorry for the late response!

...MAYBE HE WILL. Or drag them all back to his pad for cocoon funtimes. (You're allowed to make jokes! Laughing about it is the only way for me to not cry. ;_;)

Dude, it's so true. He's the one who you'd have to jump through all sorts of hoops to unlock. Unless they're working post-Villains and he's powerless except for flying, which might be possible. Though sponge!Peter would make for a more amusing game.



tinted_glass January 28 2009, 03:51:55 UTC
The awesome thing about it is all of these options are completely VIABLE to Mohinder's deranged sensibility, if by awesome you mean "embarrassing in front of everyone who knew him before he lost his mind."

Sponge!Peter would be amusing to watch, particularly if he had to gain powers by tackling people. :D

ALSDFJALKSJDFA;SD OH GOD, COURT, 25 IS MY NEW FAVORITE NUMBER. ♥ Also it looks like he is wearing gloves! To better channel his lightning hot passing technique, perhaps? Ahahah.


burningvigor January 28 2009, 03:56:58 UTC
I knoooow. :| On the other hand, he doesn't appear to have scales or anything in these shots, so maybe he won't be doing anything too terrible. But I probably shouldn't hold my breath. (Also, I'm hoping Bennet is the coach. Seriously.)


\o/!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to see that he was included, since I was very worried he wouldn't be. But he is part of the team now! :D :D :D And you are right about the gloves! I heard that Peter was going to be quarterback, but that might have just been speculation. I'm amused that Nathan is the only one showing leg-skin, while Peter's got either high socks/leg guards on. They're breaking the uniformity there!

Nathan's also the only one with his arms up. GOD, NATHAN, YOU JUST HAVE TO STAND OUT, DON'T YOU?

...I think I was number 11 when I played soccer as a kid, fjdaiofjdfal;eiofaAnd damn, I'd love an icon of Nathan and Peter backs except that I suck at making them. :( And I think Erin might ( ... )


tinted_glass January 28 2009, 04:13:52 UTC
I noticed the distinct lack of (visible) scales, as well. So here's to hoping the makeup department is trying to tell us something about the level of ~normality~ he will exert on the field. :| (DUDE, Bennet as the coach is brilliant and it needs to happen!)

I know!!! I am so HAPPY FOR ANDO, and I hope it causes more people in fandom to sit up and pay attention to him. They should have been paying attention from the beginning but YOU KNOW, I will be glad for any ADDITIONAL LOVE to manifest. He totally deserves it! And Ando as QB would be amazing. His passes would be the most supercharged around! :>

I noticed the SKIN, but not the folded arms. Dude, HAHA, he's going to try to be the star player, isn't he? 8D

lsadjfljaf, all the more reason for the number to hold a special place in your heart FOREVERMORE.

I could try making icons for you, if you'd like!


burningvigor January 28 2009, 04:32:08 UTC
It's not like all of them need to use powers. D: Seriously. ...if every single one cheats, what does that say about our heroes? 8D (Though I'll be amused if some of the characters who do have powers choose not to cheat 'cause they're goody-two-shoes. Hiro and Peter, I'm looking at you!)

I'm thrilled that they're giving him more attention, too, since he totally deserves it! And yeah, people should give him some more acknowledgement -- he is wonderful. ♥ But all of the attention seems to go to Hiro. :(

It would be even better if he was quarterback, since Ando being the most important player on the team would be win. Also, Nathan and Hiro need to be wide receivers, since their powers are perfect for it. 8D

...Of course he's going to try and be. I'm sure he's self-appointed captain of the team or something. Oh, Nathan. (... and wow, this little promo is going to become my new canon at this point, PFFT.)

I THINK IT WILL, YES. Also, I ended up snickering because I remembered this thing from middle school where people would ask you " ( ... )


tinted_glass January 28 2009, 04:58:49 UTC
It says that NBC is attempting to overcompensate for the EPIC FAIL they've dished this season? 8D; (*laughs* If both Hiro and Peter choose not to cheat, time and space manipulation is out of the picture! I suspect the best we can hope for in that regard is Peter and Hiro wibbling over moral dilemmas before they go, "OH, who cares," and kick some ass). >:D

James Kyson Lee's twitter of the day mentioned he spent a grueling 14 hours on set, so! I assume he is getting more play! Which is wonderful! If exhausting for him, but also fulfilling. (For me, especially, PFFT.)

Ahahah Nathan probably took the liberty of naming the team. THE SOARING SCORINGS! Only God, I hope not that lame. LSKJDFLSJF. ...The promo hasn't even aired yet and it's my new favorite thing.

I have never HEARD of the Innuendo Numbers before, but that doesn't prevent me from laughing now at how of course Peter is 11. Oh God, it couldn't have been ANY OTHER WAY ( ... )


burningvigor January 28 2009, 06:19:51 UTC
Yeah, well, NBC, some things cannot be salvaged, although I appreciate the effort if it means that we get Heroes football crack. >3 Though I get the feeling it's not going to be quite as awesome as my mind is imagining it will be. (I WOULD BE FINE WITH THAT. They're allowed to kick ass, after all! Five Years Gone proved as much ( ... )


tinted_glass January 28 2009, 07:38:46 UTC
Judging by how we carry on, I suspect we are embellishing to compensate for CERTAIN DISAPPOINTMENTS. But we are only doing what is in our nature. It is the fangirl way, after all! (Oh God, Five Years Gone is one of my FAVORITES. Three guesses as to why! Aside from the super AWESOME of kickass Hiro and Peter, that is. :> Hahah.)

It depends on how much footage they decide to keep in the final cut, and how many takes they did on set. For a fairly low key production like The Office, it only takes a couple of hours to get about fifteen minutes of footage. For something a bit more cinematic like Heroes, it might take double the amount of time, to set up lighting etc.

(But it's such a good name, pfffft. 8D)

Nathan as 69 would have been lulsy. Or Ando as homage to his old screename. The back of his jersey could have said "Huggerz". Or "BITCH". CLEARLY I AM GENIUS.

... )


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