Heroes Fanart

Jan 26, 2009 17:28

Oh, y'all. I've done a terrible, awful thing~


drawings, tv: heroes

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burningvigor January 28 2009, 06:19:51 UTC
Yeah, well, NBC, some things cannot be salvaged, although I appreciate the effort if it means that we get Heroes football crack. >3 Though I get the feeling it's not going to be quite as awesome as my mind is imagining it will be. (I WOULD BE FINE WITH THAT. They're allowed to kick ass, after all! Five Years Gone proved as much.)

Oh wow, that's... a long time. I hope that means that it'll be a fairly lengthy thing. A minute, hopefully? I don't really know how long it takes to film things.

AHAHAHA, THAT NAME. I... that would be... I hope Nathan has a little more sense than that. (That's the name Peter would have suggested and Nathan would have shot down in .25 seconds, methinks.)

I don't even know why I remember the number thing, but it makes it that much better! Oh, Peter, it fits too well. 8D Also, I'm kind of sad Nathan isn't number 69.

That would be awesome! And oh yeah, screencaps and icons and all sorts of shiny. Because those guys running around in football outfits = eye candy no matter how you look at it.

Frickin' Mohinder. I totally feel your pain, as I would be making faces at him if he was between the Petrellis. The way his legs are spread kind of makes me laugh, though.

... And I wonder if Sylar's on the opposing team? Or if they're just going to play against a random team of nobodies?


tinted_glass January 28 2009, 07:38:46 UTC
Judging by how we carry on, I suspect we are embellishing to compensate for CERTAIN DISAPPOINTMENTS. But we are only doing what is in our nature. It is the fangirl way, after all! (Oh God, Five Years Gone is one of my FAVORITES. Three guesses as to why! Aside from the super AWESOME of kickass Hiro and Peter, that is. :> Hahah.)

It depends on how much footage they decide to keep in the final cut, and how many takes they did on set. For a fairly low key production like The Office, it only takes a couple of hours to get about fifteen minutes of footage. For something a bit more cinematic like Heroes, it might take double the amount of time, to set up lighting etc.

(But it's such a good name, pfffft. 8D)

Nathan as 69 would have been lulsy. Or Ando as homage to his old screename. The back of his jersey could have said "Huggerz". Or "BITCH". CLEARLY I AM GENIUS.

Unfortunately their names become illegible when it gets this small, but! Here you go! Once the promo airs, I'll probably make moar. <3

I dunno if Sylar is on the opposing team! I've been wondering the same thing re: are they facing off against other heroes, nobodies, NFL players? I'm leaning towards NFL players, but an all out football brawl between Heroes would be amazing.


burningvigor January 28 2009, 21:35:31 UTC
That's true, there is no other way. And I imagine there will be buckets of fanfiction based on this thing, even though it's probably going to be 30 seconds or a minute long at most. (BECAUSE OF THE ANDO/HIRO WIBBLYNESS? That hurt me so bad when I first watched. ;__;)

Yeah, and it sounds like they went all-out with this, so if I had to guess, I'd say it would be a minute-long thing. That way they could fit in all the characters and so on.

HUGGERZ WOULD HAVE BEEN FANTASTIC, HAHAHA. Damn, I would have laughed forever if they had done that.

Awwwwwwwwwww! :D THANK YOU~~~ It is lovely and they are adorable.

Probably NFL players, yes. AND, I FOUND THIS. Some behind-the-scenes stuff and interviews with some of the actors. (Click the links on the side to watch the different interviews.) BENNET IS GOING TO BE THE COACH, OH MAN, THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOING THINGS AWESOMELY WTF. And it looks like Claire and Tracy will also be playing. \o/ No sign of Zachary Quinto or Christine Rose, so I'm not sure if Sylar and Angela are going to be around, but I think I won't mind too much if they aren't.


tinted_glass January 28 2009, 23:36:53 UTC
I really hope you are clairvoyant, because buckets full of fanfic would be just SO GREAT. (YESSSS, I ATE IT UP, OH MAN. <333333 I made so many incoherent WIBBLY/JOY NOISES at them being ADORABLE AND DEPENDENT on each other. Aaaaahh.)

... Speaking of fanfic, someone needs to take the Huggerz69 jersey idea on board. PFFT. Locker room jokes would be a total bonus!

You're welcome! I'm glad you like. 8D

LSKJDFLJ, B-ROLL, EVEN! And I cannot even deal with Bennet being the coach; that is just alskdjflajf :DDD thank you so much for sharing the GOODS ONCE AGAIN. \o/ I really don't mind if Zachary Quinto sits out on this one. Probably Sylar is too busy sorting out his MUMMY/DADDY issues to bother with a national pastime, anyway.


burningvigor January 29 2009, 01:22:01 UTC
... Well, maybe not buckets, but there are going to have to be at least a few! If not, I might have to take it into my own hands. (The part where Peter says, "That part of him left the day you died" or whatever just broke my heart, oh godddd.)

Oh, that would be priceless. \o/ All sorts of jokes could be made, and Hiro would have to do his best to stand up for his man. :[

I do, very much! Thanks again.

I LOVE THE OUTFIT BENNET IS WEARING. THE HAT. AND THE COAT. And just... imagining him barking out orders, and then being like "CLAIRE, GET IN THERE." Ahahaha. Yeah, uhh, not going to shed any tears if Sylar isn't around. But oh man, Adrian and Milo. Why do they do this to me. Why do they have to be so gay?


tinted_glass January 29 2009, 02:01:23 UTC
Even if fandom doesn't produce buckets, dude, you should totally contribute ANYWAY. THE MORE YOUR WRITE, THE MERRIER or some such philosophy. \o/ (Ahahah, I may have had the opposite emotional response. I quite JUMPED FOR JOY in my seat because apparently there is something WRONG with how I choose to interpret confessions. I was all, "OH~ BEAUTIFUL ANGSTY PROOF OF DEEP DEEP LOVE~~." I mean, I knew Ando was going to LIVE this time around, so couldn't feel too bad no matter how awful it must have been for Future!Hiro to endure. I am terrible. <3)

All sorts of jokes could be made, and Hiro would have to do his best to stand up for his man. :[
Sldsjkflj I dunno about FIC, but I am tempted to draw it hahah. I am more at home in that medium. :>

Adrian and Milo are almost too gay for words. In fact, THIS TIME AROUND, I THINK THEY ARE.

The ellipses above Masi and Hayden's heads, you can see them haaaahahahh.


burningvigor January 29 2009, 02:05:45 UTC
I SAY I AM GOING TO WRITE THESE THINGS, but I'm not sure if I'll actually get around to it. (Especially since I still need to do those drabble requests, sorry sorry sorry!) On the other hand, Heroes football might be enough to inspire me. (Well, it broke my heart in that it was terrible, but also because it just showed how much Hiro needs Ando and how he turns out without his princess at his side. ;_;)

DRAW IT. YESSSSS. It would be glorious. I support this idea 100%.

I know, that picture is just asking for some sort of caption. It's not quite as awkward in video form, but the screencap is lolarious.


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