So I'm working on the "Biblical Marriage vs. Marriage in the Bible" posts, starting with putting in the gobs of missing hyperlinks from the posts I've already done, followed by finishing the next installment in the series. And it's amazingly hard to do! The distraction factor is high (hello, livejournal) and event though I need the internet for
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What do I get for slacking off and not doing my work? My internet dies without actually dying (I had a strong connection, but not one of my 3 browsers could get in touch w/anyone or anything). So what do I do? Haul tail and start working, that's what I do! And so where am I at? Either on point 13 out of 15, sub-points not included) or editing
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What should I be doing? Oh so many things. Starting with editing the novel!!! I haven't been able to edit for the last week or three for various reasons but now that I'm back to my regular schedule? So out of the groove. And, as always, so completely lazy
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I am incredibly, ridiculously, behind in my modified NaNo. So what am I doing? Signing up for Yuletide. It was either that or work on the Tin Man bunny that hopped into my head last night on the way to rehearsal novel.
i stole this from lieueitak when she wasn't on to poke me about it :p
Here's the gig. Go to Type the year of your high school graduation [or first year, if still in high school] into the search function. Retrieve the Top 100 songs from that year. Strike through the songs you hate(d). Underline the songs you like(d). Bold the songs
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