You know you want to...
Originally posted by
tiny_white_hats at
Sunnydale High School 10 Year Reunion Anniversary Comment!Ficathon Happy 10th Anniversary, Buffy fandom!
As of today, it's been 10 years exactly since "Chosen," the BtVS series finale aired, and fandom is still going strong! So, to celebrate 10 years since Buffy the Vampire Slayer ended, let's have a celebratory comment!ficathon! Absolutely everyone is welcome to play, whether they've only seen three or four episodes of BtVS or if they've seen every episode of BtVS three or four times each.
The general gist of this is the same as any other comment!ficathon, in that people leave prompts in the form of comments, which are open for anybody else to fill with a ficlet posted in a comment. Everything should be realated to the Buffyverse (including characters from Angel), but other than that, any prompts or fills are more than welcome!
This ficathon starts May 20, 2013, the tenth anniversary of BtVS's finale, but it will continue on indefinitely, as long as there is continued interest. So, don't be afraid to keep leaving and filling prompts come May 21st.
1. One comment per post. We already know what fandom you're prompting for, but please format your prompts with a character/pairings, prompt format. You can leave as many prompts as you want (the more the better), and fill as many as you want.
2. Crossovers and AUs are allowed and welcome, so long as BtVS is one of the crossover fandoms and that at least one BtVS character remains central to the prompt. If you're prompting a crossover, please format your prompt: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/other fandom, characters/pairings, prompt.
3. Bonus points to people who pimp the comment!ficathon, so we can get as many Buffy fans to come and play. There are banners in
this comment thread, but if you feel moved to make your own, please do and post them to that thread, because the current banners were made by me and are mediocre at best.
4. Please post a link to all filled prompts
here, in this comment thread. Make sure to give your fills a header, including title (if you have one), fandoms if you write a crossover fill, characters, pairings, rating, and warnings. For warnings, warn as you feel appropriate, but please be sure to warn for character death, explicit sexual content, extreme violence, underage sex, and rape/noncon/dubcon.
5. Have fun! This is a comment!ficathon to celebrate 10 years of fandom post-Buffy. Leave and fill as many prompts as you like, but make sure you do it respectfully. Feedback is actively encouraged, but no flaming! So have fun, Buffy fandom, and celebrate how long we've survived!
First and Last (Faith, R)-
snowpuppies (Dreamwidth link)
Five by Five (Buffy, Faith, Tequila)-
aisalynn Forget-me-not (Buffy, Xander, Giles, Willow)-
'll Be Seeing You (Angel/Buffy)-
kikimay Keeping Each Other (Faith/Willow, PG)-
local_max One and the Same (Angel/Buffy/Dru, R)-
snowpuppies (Dreamwidth link)
Summers Blood (Joyce, Giles, Dawn, PG)-
tiny_white_hats Ten Years On (Buffy, Willow, Faith)-
brutti_ma_buoni Thou Hast Committed Fornication (Giles/Spike, Pg13)-
brutti_ma_buoniThe 10th Annual Slayers Convention (Scooby Gang, G)-
deird1 (UPDATE: Sorry for the late updates and creation of a masterlist, but my laptop has refused to recognize the existence of the internet. I'll try and keep this as current as I can, but be prepared for some late updates. Sorry!)