Hinga, Dinga, Durgen, We Think We're Vikings

Nov 17, 2011 21:48

It was early, normally what Tino would consider far too early to be waking up. But with how early it had actually been when they'd fallen asleep. (Had his watch, which he'd set to Sweden Time after landing, been right when it said it'd only been 8:30 when they finally passed out?) Then again, everyone had been jet lagged and with the sun having already been down long before the time they were used to it going down on the Island (ah to be near the Arctic Circle) it shouldn't have been a surprise. So, it probably should have been no surprise when Tino's eyes were cracking open to peer at a moomin watch that belayed it being 6 in the morning. Holy. Hell. He would have never woken up this early by his own power back on the Island or even at his parent's home... that was for sure.

He'd have to stir the giant who had him completely encompassed. They were going to have to get moving if they wanted to be up and aware and dressed and had their chores for the day done with time to prepare, eat, and clean up from breakfast before they spent the day doing activities.


Meanwhile Siguard was jolted awake by the sensation of being cold. Why was it so cold all of a sudden? It took his brain a moment to process that it was because Mathias had gotten out of their cot to fuck with putting another log on the dying fire. "Hm." He purred, pulling the furs up to his chin as he got Mads' attention. "How can you sit there with no shirt on in this chilly morning air?" Siguard nit-picked... as he was so good at going.

"It's not that cold. And you're the one who got dressed again when we were done just to sleep in." Smiled the Dane, cold didn't bother him as much as it did Siguard... but then again Siguard could get sick a lot easier than he could.

"You're making me cold just looking at you, put a shirt on."

"Doe-Eyes, I just put another log on the fire, it'll be warm again in a minute."

"Shirt. Now." He was going to be indignant. "At least until the fire's going."

Mads chortled and obliged his spouse, Siguard had rough mornings without coffee... well... both of them tended to, but to be chilly and have no coffee ready before he was even awake? Tragic! (Siguard had their pot at home on a timer and he set up the machine every night before bed. Now, even if they were to have coffee, it would have to percolate and the Dane knew that Siguard would probably just shrivel up and die while waiting on the process.)

chilly morning, getting up to a new day

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