Tonight, I watched
March of the Penguins.
It was cool. It's pretty weird (in an interesting kind of way) how they
adapted to live in such a place...and how much waiting and traveling
they have to do =P I wonder how long they live. Must be a while, if
they spend so much of their time walking/waiting/growing up. The calls
they make are cool of their sounds reminded me of a guitar,
or a car engine or something. And it's funny how the chicks have
complete opposite colour patterns from the adults! And then when the
chicks lose their down they look so funny, because it's like their
colours are inverted or something, hehe. I also liked the shots
underwater from the penguins' point of view - I actually just watched a
show about Critter Cam (which was apparently developed by
Tribe of Heart,
cool!), while I was home for the holidays, and they had those shots
from the movie. They also attached it to whales, cats...and I can't
really remember what else. But it's a neat idea. =)
This has been popping in & out of mind for a while now, but the
film reminded me of it again: it would be really cool if someone would
make a film like this about farm animals. Like, a completely objective,
documentary of their life cycle or whatever. I guess you'd need someone
who has a ton of land and lets their cows/pigs/etc. roam, but wouldn't
it be cool to see how they would behave and interact with each other in
nature? I know they're domestic animals, but I still think it would be
really interesting. We get tons of shows about wild versions of them,
like National Geographic & things like that, so I think it would be
cool to see a show like that about cows. (or pigs, or chickens, or any
other farmed animal really). There are sweet movies like
Peaceable Kingdom,
which I loved. But people don't seem to consider the natural lives of
such animals, how their social structures work, how they rear their
young, and all that important stuff. I think it would be great to see
someone do a film or show like March of the Penguins, but about animals
that we don't really give a thought to (till they're on the dinner
Anyway, that was getting long =P I ate some Cherry blasters tonight (I
recently discovered that they're vegetarian! YAY! No gelatin in those
gummies, hehe). I have a weird urge to make homemade pizza right
now...I'm not quite sure why. I've had an indistinguished craving
for...something this week, and so far I haven't found a way to satisfy
it. (Though I have been eating homemade hash browns like it's my job.
Yum). This weekend I think Michelle & I are going to the farmer's
market, which I'm excited about (especially since I bought peppers last
Saturday and already, they've gone totally rotten. Stupid grocery
stores and their artificially ripened was hard to find
good apples there, too.) I hope I'm able to get up in time tomorrow,
lol. I've been trying really hard to get back on a normal-ish sleep
schedule since I was pretty much an insomniac all week.
Anyway, I just might go and make that pizza...or maybe some hash browns...hehehe.