10 multifandom cdrama icons for fandom10in30

May 19, 2021 22:14

This month's
fandom10in30 theme is "May Flowers", and I kind of thought I wouldn't manage (the fourth time in a row :( ), but then I found myself in an audio-only work meeting and needed something to do with my hands. Of course, I don't have Photoshop on my work computer, so I improvised and used another tool. No scripts, no masks, limited blending modes. Omg the pain. /o\ I also didn't have any textures there except for the ones provided by the challenge. All told, I'm not actually unhappy with the results, although I had to go over them again with PS the next day to get the sharpening fixed. :D And of course I didn't manage the whole set, but four icons. It certainly was a new experience, and while I'm glad I don't have to do that regularly, I like them enough to share them.

I hope you do, too!

1, 3-5: The Romance of Tiger and Rose
2: As Flowers Fade and Fly Across the Sky
6-10: Lost Tomb Reboot

The ones made without PS are 1, 4, 6, and 10.



All comments and concrit are loved. <3 Take and use as many icons as you like! To see who made the textures and brushes I use: see my resource post.

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x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-cdrama, art-icons, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot

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