50 icons for dailyicons - Asian drama and its actors

May 06, 2021 19:04

Another long icon challenge! Since I'm almost done with my
historamedy365 claim, I signed up for a new challenge, this time at
dailyicons. I widened the claim from cdrama to Asian drama, but otherwise the idea is pretty much the same. The challenge is to make 50 icons in six months, for a new prompt every day, so it's a little harder than the monthly prompts I used before. My deadline is November 05.


001. motion 002. weapon 003. grunge 004. music 005. shadow

006. circle 007. bright 008. worried 009. youth 010. ancient

011. elements 012. enemies 013. jealous 014. beach 015. defeat

016. pleasure 017. text only 018. mine 019. blurry 020. faith

021. quote 022. stripes 023. lies 024. body part 025. cry

026. yellow 027. broken 028. confidence 029. faceless 030. profile

031. close up 032. love 033. centered 034. sweet 035. hurt

036. eyes 037. heart 038. melancholy 039. fake bg 040. question

041. lyrics 042. distracted 043. heartache 044. polka dots 045. thoughtful

046. comfort 047. monochrome 048. star 049. code 050. leaning back

I did it! \o/ I finished the claim on October 21, 2021 with 15 days to spare.

Comments = good! Concrit = good, too! <3 All shareable, credit very much appreciated. Texture and brushes makers: listed in my resource post.

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x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-actor-chenminghao, art-icons, tv-cdrama-dreamlikelife, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-cdrama-rebel, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot, tv-cdrama, tv-actor-baiyu

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