20 icons - a full set - for somein30's Random Round

Mar 31, 2021 12:13

jsfunction really outdid himself with this round at somein30. We got 20 random things to get inspired by, and omg it was so much fun! I passed on another icon challenge I usually always do, just to make a full set for this one. I hope you like it!


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tv-bones, art-icons, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot, tv-guardian, tv-blacksails, tv-unsortable, tv-sherlock

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jsfunction April 1 2021, 16:44:08 UTC
What a fantastic set! You're a smart iconmaker so I knew your interpretations were going to be spot on and fun to read. But these are also really great icons.

I especially love 9, the paintiness is so well executed and I really adore the combination of bright yellow with soft purple. Gorgeous lighting too.
Omg 4 is perfect. You got such a weird song title I had no idea how I would have interpreted that. Your execution of this is so fun, there are SO many tiny tv screens floating around, and the text adds to the theme too, great composition and the cohesive color scheme keeps it from being too busy - definitely another top favorite!

The composition in 7 is freaking spectacular, AWESOME blending and text use! Omg your praise icon is perfect, again I feel like you got some really difficult prompts here and nailed them all. The coloring, cropping and lighting are lovely and also I wouldn't even have thought of "location" in that way, awesome interpretation! (I thought it was just another way to say something about positioning of elements)

11 has a great crop (as does the original), and the pastelly blue works super nicely in monochrome.
The coloring in 13 is wonderful, and I especially dig the slight glowiness. You did an AWESOME job with the art-inspired icon, the style fits exactly and I can see it must have taken a ton of effort to get the contours.
18 is another great one, the poster inspiration is clear, the red monochrome looks great, the text works great with the crop, and the story with the alt is also awesome :D (how do you have multiple documents open though... I can't even finish one icon in one sitting, much less two :O) And the execution of the inspirations in 19 and 20 is also fantastic, these really do look like the source material in a really great way. (omg what is the community idea?? Sounds interesting!)

Thanks so much for entering, and I'm glad you liked the round! ♥


tinnny April 3 2021, 17:30:26 UTC
Thank you! \o/\o/

I love 9 as well. Painted style is one of my fave things, and yellow is my fave color - I used a crop of an Emil Nolde painting for the background, and he always uses the most gorgeous colors.

You got such a weird song title I had no idea how I would have interpreted that.

Oooh, true. Funnily, it was the first icon I made for this set. :D The promo pic of Zhu Yilong in front of all those tv screens just jumped out at me immediately for this theme. (Although there were way fewer screens in the pic than in the icon, so it involved quite a bit of manipping after all...) I'm glad you think the color scheme works!

The composition in 7 is freaking spectacular,

Thank you! <3 I think I was in a good mood that day, this was the first attempt, and it immediately came out like this. It's the only icon in this whole set for which I don't have any alts.

Omg your praise icon is perfect - I wouldn't even have thought of "location" in that way

Yes, that stumped me for quite a while! But if the negative space is in the middle, I couldn't see an other meaning for location, because nothing else can be in the background. Or so I thought. :D And that made it extra hard, because empty space is doable, but empty space with location? Tough.

11 has a great crop (as does the original), and the pastelly blue works super nicely in monochrome.

<3 The crop is one of the things the remake is about, since i couldnt use the same cap, so I took extra care to give the crop a similar feel than in the original. I dithered about the coloring, since it's so close to the palette I got, but I kept it anyway, because I really like it, too. :D

You did an AWESOME job with the art-inspired icon, the style fits exactly and I can see it must have taken a ton of effort to get the contours.

Thank you!! Yes, it did, and I am very proud of it. Definitely one of my faves in the set, not least because it was so much work.

(how do you have multiple documents open though... I can't even finish one icon in one sitting, much less two :O)

Ah :D I never close my laptop. I only close PS if it's getting so slow I can't work anymore, then I restart it. I simply open new caps whenever I come across one that inspires me, so there are always lots of images open at the same time. I often see the PS warning that OpenGL can only work with less than 16 documents. Then I sometimes close some, but mostly I forget that, too. :D

inspirations in 19 and 20 is also fantastic, these really do look like the source material in a really great way.

Thank you! That was soooo much fun!

The idea of the community would be to give people things to "copy", exactly like the art/poster/album/book themes here. I thought of making it three inspiration items - a book cover, an album cover, and a poster, for example, and people could try and make icons that look like those. You'd end up with 1-3 submitted icons per round per person, which sounds like a normal number for challenges like that. I just loved "copying" a composition so much that I thought it would be neat to have the opportunity all the time. :D And if you provide enough choice, it's not too much of a competition, more of a nicely coherent result (like in color challenges) that would be pretty to look at.

The other comm idea I've been carrying around with me for ages it a songset comm. We had two songset rounds at icontalking@dw so far, and people loved them. They said "it's like vidding, just easier". And it would be an easy comm to run, just provide a song lyric (and maybe a yt link, just for fun), and people can run with it. Maybe people could also suggest songs, so the songs are inspiring for everybody. It would be a little more effort for participants, since songsets have to consist of a number of icons, but if you make it low enough (3?), it shouldn't be too bad.

But I am already running two comms (and helping out with another), so I really don't have time for any more. But if I ever have time, I'll make those!

Thanks again for this extremely inspiring challenge! <3


jsfunction April 4 2021, 08:59:32 UTC
Those sound like awesome ideas for communities! I'm not sure what a songset round is, but I love everything to do with being inspired by music, so it sounds great. I definitely hear you on not having the time though, it takes so much effort to run these things... one is more than enough for me, I don't know how you deal with three, especially since icontest comms might actually need more modding since there are challenges more often.


tinnny April 4 2021, 09:10:41 UTC
OOoh I should have linked you! A songset is a set of icons that contain the lyrics of a song - consecutively. It's a pretty strict challenge format, but I love it.

challenge post:

roundups for both rounds:


jsfunction April 5 2021, 12:09:28 UTC
Oh right, this thing! I recall us talking about these types of challenges a long time ago, I just didn't know what it was called. They seem like super difficult challenges, but also really great for us who like using text. I'd assume that that part would be difficult for most makers to get into, makers seem pretty divided about either loving or hating text, but then again those two rounds at DW did seem to get a nice amount of icons in, so why not :) (random but wow I'm delighted to see Finnish lyrics in one of those sets, from a really good song too. I thought for years that me and thyla87 are the only Finns making icons but apparently not!)


tinnny April 5 2021, 12:41:33 UTC
They seem like super difficult challenges, but also really great for us who like using text.

Yes, and yes. :D

but then again those two rounds at DW did seem to get a nice amount of icons in, so why not :)

The second round suffered a bit from people being depressed during lockdown (despite it winning the poll, not many people ended up entering). But the first round resulted in our highest number of icons for an activity *ever*. So, yeah, I was surprised how much people loved it.

I'm delighted to see Finnish lyrics in one of those sets

Yes! There are at least three Finns in Guardian fandom that I know of, but only one of them, extrapenguin, made icons for a while. They since seem to have discovered vidding, I haven't seen them participate in icon challenges lately. But hey, vidders are rare creatures, too. :D


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