LJ (and DW) statistics 2020

Jan 10, 2021 13:13

A lot of my flisties on the LJ side did this...

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lj-comment stats, lj-memes, lj-yearly

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Comments 8

_profiterole_ January 10 2021, 13:15:28 UTC
Yay! I'm quite up there! \o/


tinnny January 10 2021, 19:55:42 UTC
You are! Yay!

And you're not from the icon community, either (which gives violateraindrop an advantage, because she comments both on my icon posts and on my rl posts).


gilda_elise January 10 2021, 13:32:20 UTC
I think about posting on DW from time to time; I have an account there. But, and I know it's silly, it feels like it would be traitorous. Not to say duplicating. *g* Still, yay for you!


tinnny January 10 2021, 20:00:25 UTC
My focus shifted towards DW along with my flist. It was a gradual process. Now that I'm in cdrama fandom, which is exclusively on DW (and Twitter *shudders*), of course I get a lot more comments on DW than on LJ. But it took a few years to shift that way.

The iconmaker community has been growing and growing on DW, but the LJ community still doesn't want to quit, so I am staying, too.

it feels like it would be traitorous.

I felt like that in the beginning, too, but LJ made a few very shitty decisions and I am not as emotional about them as I used to be. DW on the other hand, is still a great place. (Although they've dropped the ball a few times as well, and I'm not sure they're really thinking long-term, but still much much better than LJ).

I know that all my posts are duplicated, but I'd rather be on both sides than miss out on either the fandom or the icon fun. *shrug* It's not ideal, but workable.


violateraindrop January 10 2021, 14:47:19 UTC
I need to defend that top spot! :D


tinnny January 10 2021, 20:01:18 UTC
Muahahaha! *hugs*

You have three times as many replies as the next person, so I think you're safe. <3


applepips16 November 19 2021, 10:30:50 UTC
I am so glad to see my lurking being represented! An honour! <3


tinnny November 19 2021, 20:54:06 UTC

I'm always happy to see you around. <3


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