LJ (and DW) statistics 2020

Jan 10, 2021 13:13

A lot of my flisties on the LJ side did this...

I "fixed" mine. :D Of those 210 entries, around 60 are icon posts.

I don't know how many comments I have on the dw side, but I'm sure it's more than on the LJ side. (I had 150 comments in March alone - extrapolating from that gives me almost 2000 comments for the whole year - and even if I subtract mine (assuming every second comment is my own), I'm still left with about 1000.)

Statistics taken from the top commentators page. I cut off after 15. Quite a few of those are replies to icon challenge posts, as well.

1 tinnny 151 2 violateraindrop 59 3 profiterole 23 4 hamsterwoman 16 5 gilda_elise 14 6 luppiters 10 7 shameless666 9 8 magicrubbish 7 9 jsfunction 7 10 nightbulbs 6 11 wendelah1 6 12 applepips16 5 13 dieastra 3 14 sietepecados 3 15 abyss_valkyrie 3

x-posted from dw (comments:

lj-comment stats, lj-memes, lj-yearly

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