10 Fall-colored Detective L and Lost Tomb Reboot/Zhu Yilong icons for fandom10in30

Oct 24, 2020 21:10

fandom10in30's theme this month was Autumn (or Halloween, but I chose Autumn). I wasn't really in the mood for complicated or deeply meaningful icons this month, so this set is all about the warm colors. The Detective L caps were made by
sakana17. Thank you! <3

Enjoy the autumn mood...

Row 1: Bai Yu as Luo Fei in Detective L
Row 2: Zhu Yilong in Lost Tomb Reboot (3x) and photoshoots (2x)

All inspired by the two Autumn palettes from the challenge post - and generally by the warm glow of autumn sunshine.


Comments and concrit very welcome! Find textures and brushes in my resource post. All icons can be taken and used (with credit), of course!

Previous icon posts:

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-cdrama-detective_l, art-icons, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot

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