Snowflake Day 12

Feb 09, 2019 17:58

In your own space, create your own challenge.


1. Comment to this entry saying 'Shiny!' and I will pick 3 of your icons/userpics.
2. Make an entry in your own journal (or just reply if you prefer) and talk about the icons I picked!

colls picked three and hamsterwoman picked three.

and I'm going to talk about them here:


This is Flynn Carsen from the Librarians, in the last episode of season one, in the scene where he finally meets the team again, and there's this sexy (but lowkey) exchange between him and Eve, and she says "Oh, so you came back", and he says "I did." This is why the icon says "I did," and he's smiling cutely (at Eve). The background is some bookish script texture I thought would fit the Librarians, but I only later noticed that it's actually a recipe. If you look closely you can see some cooking-related words. Ooops. :) Still one of my fave Librarians icons, because damn I find that wooden beads necklace extremely hot, and I like how the coloring came out and it's just one of my fave Librarians scenes.


Oooooh, my first Black Sails icon. The quote is something my good friend
neery said to me when we were discussing Black Sails. She got me into the show, and a lot of my interaction at the beginning was solely with her, by email. We were discussing *that ep* of Black Sails:

tinny: At least here, there's the advantage of men in stuck-up/navy uniforms kissing, which just makes everything better. *g* (And damn, Flint just looks so very good in his clean-shaven London attire.)
neery: I'm so heart-broken over pretty young polite gentlemanly clean-shaven navy officer James McGraw. SOMETIMES HE EVEN SMILES!!!! If only you knew, baby. :(((

*I am still crying two years later*

So, yeah, that was the ep where I fell in love with the show and immediately needed an icon. So I turned that quote of hers into an icon. Everything about James McGraw is so sad. Black Sails is so good. From a purely technical standpoint, I love what I did with the text in it. There were several (bad) earlier versions of this icon until I finally made the text unobtrusive enough for it to work. Now it's probably mostly illegible, so this explanation might have helped? Sorry for spoiling you in the process... (Black Sails is still very worth watching, even spoiled.)


Ah, Brienne. My favorite character on GoT. Along with Jaime. Together with Jaime. Brienne/Jamie all the way. When I saw this icon (kirtash_girl made it, it is one of the few icons that were not made by me), I immediately knew I had to have it. The text is a texture, but I love the yellow in it, and I especially love the yellow hair, which I can never seem to get right, myself. (Good thing Chinese people all have black hair. ;D) And it's eminently usable for *mood*, which is something I look for in my icons (especially the ones I take from other people).


This is an icon from the US version of Touching Evil. The main character has a ... brain injury, I think? I have forgotten all about it. Either he or his female colleague is playing something like hangman or solving a crossword puzzle during an interrogation, and this is what they write on their notepad. Very subtle, is what rinicons must have thought, and I agreed, and went and used the icon. Again, very usable as a mood, which is why I still like it and have kept it.


A world of opal! My good LJ friend tallihensia cuts opals and shared pictures of them, and I took a bunch as textures. One of them looked like planet Earth, so I made this icon from it. It's really actually a photograph of an opal lying on a black velvet cloth. Again, I still like it even though it's one of my very old icons. It's a nice zen icon.


Information wants to be free. The particular information on the icon is no longer relevant, but the sentiment stands so I still have the icon. The numbers (and color code which also represents those same numbers) is one of the encryption codes for DVDs, discovered by hacker groups in 2007. This icon is part of the . The people who first posted the code were slapped with cease and desist letters and the response of the community was to spread the information far and wide, in forms similar to my icon.


100fandoms is actually a fic community, but I immediately thought of doing it for icons.

Seeing as I made 1000 icons last year and covered 75 fandoms without any prompting, I was thinking I could get to 100 easy, if I had that goal. 100fandoms uses a fixed prompt table for everyone, and it has no deadline. I decided to change the table to make it better suitable for icons. I changed 16 of the prompts, to be exact, replacing them with techniques or colors. And because it is way easier to make 100 icons than it is to write 100 stories, I set myself the deadline of one year. So here's my challenge: use the below table and make 100 icons in 100 different fandoms this year!

Good luck and have fun!

Alphabetical list:

alive animal away balm bed belong birth black blue blur borrowed bottle brilliant bug

can chance contrast courage crack crowd discover dishonour distance drawing dust edge faded fall fantasy fear final fire fix

game ghost graduate green ground heart here history home hope inside key kitchen late laughing lighting mask mean mirror morning music

new noise numbers old overlay perfection practice promise rain red right run scratch screech settle shadows share silence sleeping snapshot space spring star steal storm sun swing

teasing text theory time trail truth turn universe voyage war water waves way wear welcome white work yellow wreck

001. universe002. edge003. sun004. distance005. away
006. home007. key008. star009. dust010. shadows
011. old012. new013. borrowed014. blue015. promise
016. dishonour017. wreck018. fix019. crack020. discover
021. music022. fire023. water024. waves025. noise
026. balm027. fear028. wear029. mask030. truth
031. courage032. hope033. contrast034. fall035. spring
036. birth037. morning038. welcome039. belong040. share
041. numbers042. mean043. teasing044. fantasy045. game
046. work047. bed048. turn049. swing050. kitchen
051. animal052. black053. green054. inside055. chance
056. alive057. sleeping058. late059. rain060. bottle
061. steal062. brilliant063. theory064. practice065. war
066. storm067. voyage068. bluw069. yellow070. settle
071. ground072. space073. silence074. screech075. snapshot
076. scratch077. bug078. lighting079. faded080. ghost
081. history082. time083. mirror084. drawing085. trail
086. way087. run088. here089. heart090. perfection
091. right092. text093. can094. red095. crowd
096. overlay097. graduate098. laughing099. white100. final

x-posted from dw (comments:

art-icons, lj-memes, meta

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