Wreck-it Ralph 2

Feb 03, 2019 18:40

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So we went to see a movie yesterday. And it was surprisingly awesome!

To be honest, they had me at that shot of the Internet, with all the light blue towers and the rows and rows of packets flying everywhere. It had that huge fantasy feel of Tron and of Blade Runner and my little nerdy heart swelled.

I would have liked it for that alone. But it also had a great sense of humor and a sweet plot about the importance of friendship. And an awesome lesbian heroine. And Disney princesses.

* Okay, so Shank was probably not intended to be a lesbian (knowing Disney, ack), but she was so made for Vanellope. I ship them, shut up. (And I never ship f/f, so that's saying something.)

* The Internet! It was glorious, from the infinite scenery to the deluge of brand names, I loved it all.

* The humor was excellent. It was self-referencing and deprecating, and hardly ever fell flat.

* I loved all the little asides at click bait (omg when she hit the storm trooper in the knee with her click thingy!)

* I loved the hearts and how everyone thought how important they were (although making 40K in a day is a bit steep)

* I loved the first rule of the Internet: "never read the comments"

* I loved the way the players in Slaughter Race walked like characters in video games so often do (=badly).

* I loved the darknet!basement.

* I did not like the Double Dan and all the puns related to him. Not funny. (The probably got lost in translation, but still. Not my type of humor.)

* I loved the trash heap of ye olde Internet (and Ralph pushing aside a piece of Geocities to get at his heart).

* I loved the virus.

* I loved virus!Ralph and how he was always moving - I wondered what they had to do to the crowd algorithm to get that to work.

* I loved the princesses ("you also have a big strong man who rescued you? Then you're a princess!").

* I loved even more how the princesses were all strong and ultimately everyone saved Ralph and not the other way around.

* I even loved the song. ("important water," lol.)

* There were so many jokes in it that I forgot the thing I laughed most about. Oh wait, I remembered! (one hour later...) The thing I laughed most about was Ralph as Bob Ross!

* I loved the friendship plot.

* I loved the Mr Creosote rabbit.

* I loved the rick roll.

I loved this movie. That is all.

9 out of 10.

Movies in 2019

(links go to day entries, so they are outside of their spoiler cuts)

Wreck-it Ralph 2 - 9 of 10 ( review: DW | LJ )

x-posted from dw (comments:


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