Challenge icons for theiconthrone: The Chosen Ones

May 14, 2016 12:53

This month's challenge at theiconthrone was to make icons from screencaps the community members chose. There were tons of caps, but I had a hard time motivating myself for this. I'm not good at using predefined caps, usually. For some reason, the first four of those came out gorgeous. *g* Maybe it's the HQ source material, maybe I just got into it once I ( Read more... )

tv-lucifer, art-icons, tv-farscape, tv-teenwolf, tv-unsortable

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hamsterwoman May 14 2016, 17:53:18 UTC
My eyes zeroed in on the purple B5 icon and I was quite puzzled, because I didn't think you were a B5 fan, and then I read the explanation of user-chosen caps and it all made sense. I do like that one a lot, actually -- the lighting and the mysteriousness feels very fitting! But my favorite is the (striped) Clint icon -- very cool! :D


tinnny May 14 2016, 17:55:58 UTC
Thank you so much!

because I didn't think you were a B5 fan

Oh, I totally am! I'm very much a fan of Captain Sinclair, so the first season is my favorite. But I loved that show - as witnessed by the B5 icon I still have in my collection. :D

So when someone chose a B5 icon, I wanted to use that immediately.


hamsterwoman May 14 2016, 18:12:55 UTC
Oh, cool, that's good to know! (though I prefer Sheridan and the later seasons myself :P -- but I did start out watching in season 2 and only caught up on season 1 somewhat later, so Sinclair was always kind of an afterthought for me, not part of the setting I fell in love with.)

I can't tell for sure whether that's Delenn either, which is actually why I edited my comment :) I think it still looks more like pre-chrysalis!Delenn than Lennier to me, but with that angle and lighting it's hard to tell! (And Delenn is more chosen than Lennier, but by that mark it could be Valen, too :P)


tinnny May 15 2016, 06:14:16 UTC
I looked into a few caps last night, and I think it's probably Delenn, after all. The graceful sweep of the throat makes me think it's definitely a woman, and so it's either Delenn or someone we don't know.


tinnny May 14 2016, 17:58:25 UTC
p.s. I don't think that's Delenn. I think that's her advisor. Whatshisname... Lennier? But I'm not sure, myself.


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