Challenge icons for theiconthrone: The Chosen Ones

May 14, 2016 12:53

This month's challenge at theiconthrone was to make icons from screencaps the community members chose. There were tons of caps, but I had a hard time motivating myself for this. I'm not good at using predefined caps, usually. For some reason, the first four of those came out gorgeous. *g* Maybe it's the HQ source material, maybe I just got into it once I commited myself to a cap, I don't know.

After that phase was done, my muse suddenly left me. Those are the second row (*cough*). Then I whined about the challenge a bit at house_bright, and got help! I love you guys! Thank you for all the good inspiring answers! I managed a few more because of you!




icon links updated

As usual: all comments and concrit welcome! Brushes and textures credited here in my icon resource post. Enjoy!

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-lucifer, art-icons, tv-farscape, tv-teenwolf, tv-unsortable

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