Multifandom Challenge Icon Dump

Nov 03, 2013 09:21

I'm spreading out my DW icontest participation, and before that takes over my life ;), I'm posting all the
fridayfive iconsets I made since last time:




Challenge 18, Characters eating food:

Challenge 20, Pairings:

Challenge 21, Non-Humans:

and I mixed some of those up because it was fun. I especially love 'Spiana':

Challenge 22, Premieres:

The community is slowly dying, I think. It's a pity, because it's one of the most fun challenges I've ever been in, and it deserves more attention. *sigh* Come join us! If you don't icon, you can subscribe and comment on entries, because there are always really good ones.

I have fun iconing these days (since I'm actively avoiding tumblr I have time for it), so I'm probably also going to enter grimm_challenge and
iconthat once in a while.

ETA: Of course you may use any of them (please credit me).

x-posted to

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-grimm, tv-spn, art-icons, tv-vampirediaries, tv-farscape, tv-who, tv-theamericans, tv-poi, tv-chuck, tv-unsortable, tv-sherlock

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