I don't have all that much to say about SPN 9x04:
* still not bored
- No Castiel (but he is only slated to be in 13 of the eps, so I think 3 out of 4 is a good average)
+ "Nobody wants Cas here more than I do." Loving it. Those kinds of sentences will string me along for a looong loong time. It very much reminded me of one of my favorite Destiel songs:
Black Lab - Weightless
On your knees, on your back
Who'd you call when things got bad?
Did they answer?
Did you ask?
And who will you give yourself to?
'Cause nobody wants you more than I want you
- Although I was pretty miffed not to find out anything about how Dean sent Cas away, and what (if anything) he told him. I am hoping so much that he told him the truth (and gave him a lot of tech to protect himself).
* for once, I know the required background story: the Wizard of Oz, albeit only from the classic movie. But hey, I got most of the references, so yay me.
* I like the name Dorothy. But then I like all names with a 'th' in them, like Nathan and Matthew.
+ I liked all the ways in which they addressed the mysogyny of the MOL and how Dorothy expected and perpetrated it before the guys and Charlie set her straight. I thought that was well done.
+ I also liked that Dorothy wasn't immediately presented as a love interest for Charlie.
* I'm not sure what to think about Sam asking about the name Zeke. That was a bit blunt.
+ I liked Zeke reanimating Charlie for the same reason I liked it with Cas: stacking up the guilt for Dean, yay.
* Also, of course, they can't let Charlie die.
+ The good thing I read out of that piece of dialogue was that Zeke said he doesn't really want to stay in Sam that long.
* What happened to the plan of tracking the angels? They really should have finished that before sending Charlie off with Dorothy.
- The way they defeated the witch was totally unforeseeable and illogical. Deus ex machina, how I love thee. *blergh*
Oh, that turned out longer than I'd thought. What I really wanted to happily gush about was Elementary:
+ Gregson back story! Woot!
+ Aidan Quinn was great in every single scene. His eyes, his hesitation, his body language. I just liked everything about it. Especially his final scene with his wife. He got that hesitation across really well - he doesn't really know what exactly he did wrong, what exactly he can do to fix it. He's just very human.
+ The writers gave him excellent stuff to work with, too. They didn't make him a machismo asshole, for one. :) That whole episode was just so well written, contrasting all the different kinds of partnerships.
* the case was convoluted as always. I find myself enjoying all their cases.
+ I enjoy the character development even more. Watson getting a point across to Sherlock is always fun to watch.
* Sherlock was almost uncharacteristically sensitive here, asking Gregson if it was okay that he looked into his private life. I keep expecting him to be more rude. But it would make sense that he treats people he knows differently than everyone else. On that topic:
+ I loved how he calls every detective "Not Bell" in his head.
* I still don't know whether I ship them or not. This episode, I really didn't ship them again and took everything Sherlock said at face value - it just works for them. He just really doesn't need to see a difference between a romantic and a professional relationship. There are many parallels.
+ I don't know, it was just all around well written and great to watch.
x-posted to dw (