TV Shows of 2013

Dec 31, 2013 23:55

In chronological order I watched them. Links to rec posts (lj) where I've made any:

Grimm 2x13 - 3x07
Psych 6x13 - 7x16 (these idiots aired the musical out of order)
Elementary 1x01 - 2x09
Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01 and stopped
Farscape 4x20 - THE END. Finally! Farscape rocks so much I can't believe it.
Cabin Pressure Season 4
Arctic Air 2x01 - and bored to tears.
The Mentalist 1x07 - 2x20 with neery (I had seen it up to 1x09 or so years ago but stopped)
Justified 1x01 - 1x05 - noone told me it's Elmore Leonard personified. Genius.
Continuum Season 2 - mixed bag that i hated at the end. Pity.
Supernatural 7x21,23, 8x01-8x10,11,17,21 - aka Castiel quick-catch-up, then complete s gr8, 9x01 - 9x09
The Americans Season 1
White Collar 4x?? - 4x16
Call The Midwife 1x01 - 1x03 - not quite my cup of tea
Orphan Black 1x01 - Not interested for some reason
QI 1x00, 10x02 - Nice filler that I like to watch on youtube when I have time
Sleepy Hollow 1x01 - 1x05 - silly supernatural plots and too much horror but great female lead
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x01 - too violent for a Marvel comic show. Even though it's (supposedly) Joss. The link is not a rec.
Once Upon A Time 1x01 - liked it but had no time to continue yet
Atlantis 1x01 - and only half of it. No, just no.
Trophy Wife 1x01 - 1x07 - I really like the characters and Bradley Whitford is always great. Just... it's comedy, and I don't stick with that, ever.
Almost Human 1x01 - 1x06 - horrible women, but cool. Not sure it'll last long for me, though.
Vampire Diaries 4x16 - Attempt at a catch-up after skipping a season
Lie To Me 1x01 - 1x03 - Quite good.
Game of Thrones 2x08 - 3x04 - surprise end-of-the-year guest :) - still good

My main addiction this year was definitely Supernatural, with a major return of my love of Destiel. I did quite a few fannish things for it at

x-posted to dw (comments:

tv-grimm, tv-farscape, tv-whitecollar, tv-elementary, tv-poi, lj-yearly, tv-unsortable

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