Sleepy Hollow

Sep 24, 2013 22:39

I'm not the first one to say this, but:

I like Sleepy Hollow so far.

+ I really like Ichabod Crane
+ I really really like Abbie Mills
+ I like how Abbie is strong (but not unbelievably so)
+ I love how Abbie is calling the shots in all her scenes with Crane (except for the fact that she's almost always skipping along to be able to keep up with him but hey)

- I don't like that John Cho is apparently evil
- I didn't like the totally senseless plot points in the pilot ("Don't let him find it!" - "Oh, let's go dig it up and tell everyone where we are" huh?) but the second ep was somehow more consistent
+ I like the 250-year-old problems and that they're not played for laughs but somehow endear Ichabod to us
+ I like the Sheriff and his continued presence.
+ "Only person who can tell you [what you were meant to do] is you." Abbie's agency FTW.
- I don't like the horror elements. Horror is so not for me. That might turn out to be a dealbreaker down the road.
* I don't care either way about the mythology. Witches, demons, trees, goat, blah. And every time the goat turns up, it gets really scary (which I could do without).
+ That said, I like supernatural shows.
+ The romani greek sounds like an actual language, which is a good thing.
- Everything bible-related in the pilot was completely ridiculous. That's some bible George Washington had there, hee. :)
- why does Ichabod have to have an eidetic memory? That trope has been done to death, and I could have done without it.

That's all that I can remember for now, I'm sure I've forgotten the most important parts. I can't say I'm invested in the plot much (yet), but I like both main characters and their snark, that's definitely good enough for now.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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