Dec 11, 2012 21:37

Well. My heart says I should move over to DW. So much so that I stopped the automatic payments on my LJ account.

Unfortunately, the problem still exists that free accounts can't use the ?date=2012-12-12 switch on the flist. Which is a total showstopper for me. Because nothing is worse than missing some of your posts just because I can't keep up with my flist. I am *almost always* more than 14 days behind, and I am not going to heap more guilt onto myself just because I'm miserly. So... I reluctantly decided to shell out the money for two paid accounts after all. This is essential for my peace of mind. And you can rest assured that I will not miss any of your posts.

I will take advantage of the 10% bonus for signing up to DW in December, and I will renew my LJ account in January, after all. And maybe I can convince some of you to also switch over, if you haven't done so yet?

I will not change my routine of reading my flist on LJ, unless the new flist is totally unusable (note: I can't see the beta link in my style, so I couldn't test it). But I will definitely keep crossposting from DW to LJ, because it works perfectly and doesn't cause me any extra effort.

I've just updated my DW circle and tried to add everyone I have friended on LJ. Let me know if I've overlooked/forgotten you? Especially if your DW account name isn't identical to your LJ account name.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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