Title: Coffee and a Gift
Team: Tin Man
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairing: DG and Cain
Challenge: Birthday
Note: Post-Series.
erinm_4600 said jump so I said how hi... Or rather she said write and I wrote... same difference right? Utter fluff but what can I say I need more coffee. (edited because I cocked up the font. Stupid Word)
DG grumbled as she shuffled into the morning parlour. Cain sat reading a report in one of the overly plush chairs her mother was so fond of. ‘Coffee?’ Cain asked his lip twitching as he reached for the silver pot and poured a cup.
DG cradled the cup in her hands. ‘Gone?’
‘At first sun.’ Cain replied.
‘Oh.’ DG frowned sipping her coffee in companionable silence.
Cain tossed a small velvet bag into DG’s lap. ‘Happy Natal Day Kid.’ DG opened the bag and pulled out a delicate silver chain with a small silver pendant.
‘Is that a...stick?’
Cain smirked.