Title: More Headaches
allronix1Team: Tin Men
Characters/Pairings: Ozma Galinda (Lavender Eyes) and Ambrose
Summary: There was one good thing about being a head-case
Challenge: 26 Boredom
The “honorable” delegate from the Silver Islands was a portly man in turquoise brocade who paced the floor and never tired of hearing himself talk. He had been arguing virtually every sentence of the new trade agreement, along with interjections from the garrulous Scrow prince, and Lady Mixi of Ix.
The Regent of Oz bowed his aching head and groaned, unnoticed save for the Queen.
Concerned, she touched his shoulder and asked quietly, “Ambrose, dear. Are you all right?”
He said with a sigh, “One good thing I had as a headcase - utter immunity to boredom.”.