Non-challenge drabble: Reunited

Jun 25, 2009 17:05

Title: Reunited
Team: Tin Men
Characters: Wyatt/Adora, Jeb, Glitch, Raw, and Zero.
Word Count: 731 (I got carried away)
Challenge: None
A/N: This is an AU where Adora is alive.


That voice sounded different. It didn’t belong to anybody in the camp, but at the same time, it was familiar.


She stopped cleaning the pans for a moment. It couldn’t be - he’s gone, her mind reminded her. She’s just hearing his voice inside her head again, that’s all.


Okay, that’s not inside her head since she can hear him louder now. She heard someone tell the voice where she was. Her heart began to pound in her chest, her knees locked in place, and her body shook. The flap to the tent opened and there he was, his body silhouetted in the entry.

The pan fell from her hand.


There was something in his voice. A longing, relief, shock that he found her - alive: any of those could describe the tone in his voice. “Wyatt?” she said, still not sure if she was daydreaming again.

“It’s me,” he said, taking his hat off and stepping inside the tent. She could see him clearer now: his blue eyes, his lips that had kissed her so often and tasted so sweet, the short crop of blond curls. She wasn’t dreaming. Wyatt Cain, her husband that she thought was dead, was standing right in front of her.

They were in each other’s arms, kissing and touching. At first, words caught in their throats as tears of joy left streaks on their cheeks. His arms wrapped her, holding her tight and not wanting to let go this time. The smell of her fragrance brought memories to the surface that had long laid dormant in his subconscious.

“They told us you were dead,” she said, her voice unsteady as she spoke. Her fingers traced the edges of his vest. It was his old vest that Zero had given her, covered in blood, and told her that Wyatt was dead. She remembered pulling out the bloodstained yellow ribbon from the pocket and clutching it to her chest. How could she have believed someone like Zero?

“I thought you were dead too,” he said, running his hand along her face, reacquainting himself with the feel of her skin against his. His heart had sunk when he went to the cabin behind the white elm and found it empty. After searching it, he discovered that the occupants had moved on in a hurry.

The flap opened up again and Jeb stepped inside, smiling. His family was back together, something that had only been a dream. “They have Zero ready for us.”

Adora’s face turned red and her body stiffened. “You found Zero?”

“Yeah, that’s how I found dad. He was taking dad and his friends to be hanged in Central City. We’re going to interrogate him about the machine in the tower.”

Adora looked up at Wyatt. He nodded that Jeb was telling the truth. “Before you interrogate him, I want to see him,” Adora said untying the apron from her waist and letting it drop on the table.

Zero was surprised to see Adora come in first and seeing her with Cain made his skin crawl. He should have just killed Cain annuals ago. She glared down at the man that had been the source of her pain for eight annuals. All the anger and hatred she had for this man rose up and she struck him with her fist. Wyatt glanced at Jeb surprised. Jeb shrugged his shoulders. Adora walked passed them with Wyatt following her. “Let me see your hand,” Wyatt said concerned as he took her hand into his. “I think you broke it.”

“No matter. I feel better now, but he deserves more than that,” she said looking towards the tent.

“Can take pain away.”

Wyatt turned to see Raw and Glitch behind him. “Your friends I take it?” she asked smiling, ready for Wyatt to introduce them to her.

“Yeah, this is Glitch and Raw.” Wyatt watched as they hugged her and then Glitch hugged Wyatt. “Okay, okay-” he said trying to break the hold Glitch had on him.

Adora smirked at the show of affection from the one called Glitch. She had a feeling that Wyatt wasn’t exactly the most friendly traveling companion. Raw approached her with his hands out. “Can’t mend bones, but can take pain away,” he said calmly to Adora.

She looked up at Wyatt, touched his face and said: “It’s okay, the pain's already gone.”

drabbles by: gatechic, non-challenge drabbles

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