Challenge 24 - Azkadellia's First Barbeque

Jun 24, 2009 15:56

Title: Azkadellia's First Barbeque
Word Count: 500
Characters: Az and Gulch (mention of DG and the witch) [Kans-Az ( Family Reunion) 'verse ;)]
Challenge: 24 CABIN
Note: A few days after First Meeting

Az didn't actually know where she was, which should have concerned her. But, there was something about being outside, being free...

Free to do what she wanted. Free to stand where she wanted. To say what she wanted.

There was no worry for someone picking her off from the tree line with a rifle - okay, there was that possibility, she supposed, but it wouldn't be because of the witch.

As she moved through the field, her fingers grazed over the tops of the tall grasses.

The smell of something burning brought her attention to a small cabin across the field.

As she neared the structure, Az realized that it wasn't a cabin, but a home. There was an odd-looking stand, just past the porch, with smoke billowing out the top. She moved toward the metal box and eyed it wearily, wondering if she should warn someone.

"Not really much of a grill, there," she heard a man's voice say. Glancing up, Az saw a man standing above her, holding a bowl. She recognized him from the store - Sheriff Gulch - and the realization she was probably trespassing finally occurred to her.

"It's..." she shrugged, not knowing what to say, "very nice."

Gulch snorted and pushed off the railing. As he came down the steps, Az backed up. Gulch nodded to her, set the bowl down and reached for the tongs hanging on the side of the grill.

"I'm sorry," Az said quickly. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was and I..." she trailed off, pointing back to the field.

"No harm in taking a walk," Elmer stated, giving her a quick glance before lifting the lid to check his dinner. Az leaned around him, wanting to know what smelled so good. He raised an eyebrow.

"You never seen babybacks before?"

Az backed up again and focused on the ground. Was that something she should have seen? DG didn't cover food, really, other than to get a promise from Az that she'd never go to the Hilltop. Elmer shook his head and flipped the ribs again before reaching for the bowl.

She watched as he brushed a dark red mixture to the ribs and he smiled at the look on her face. "You like barbeque?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder. Az gave him a shrug and he nodded.

"Some folks swear by the rub... but, I'm a sauce man, myself."

He turned away from the grill and held the bowl out. "Made it myself," he nodded. Az looked from the barbeque sauce to Gulch for a moment before assuming - hoping - he was offering for her to try it. Her fingertip barely grazed the surface of the sauce and she saw him try to hide a smile.

"And, by 'made it', I mean that I bought it and added a little kick." Az had no idea what that meant, but he was laughing, so she smiled.

"It's..." she started, trying to place the flavor.

"Maple syrup," Gulch admitted. "Log Cabin, specifically."

Apparently Cain didn't do a very good job of cleaning the gutters, because, while I know what Gulch meant... I also know what he said. *headdesk*

drabbles by: erinm_4600, challenge 24 longcoats

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