Title: Muffin Love
amediaTeam: Longcoats
Word Count: 150 (a sesquidrabble)
Rating: Anywhere from G to R, depending on the reader's imagination
Characters/Pairing: Raw, Cain/Glitch
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Imagiquest. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Challenge: 21, "Don't freak out."
Raw looked up inquisitively as Cain's good mood settled like a cheerful mist over the breakfast table. "Good morning," Cain said with a grin, reaching for a couple of muffins.
Raw's hand bumped Cain's as they both reached for the butter at the same moment. Images cascaded uninvited into the Viewer's startled mind.
"I'm sorry!" Cain said immediately. "Look, please just don't freak out." He finished buttering one muffin, set it on the plate next to his own, and started on the other.
Raw smiled. "Raw not judge you. Did not know humans could bend that way, is all."
Cain chuckled, relieved.
Glitch chose that moment to bounce happily into the breakfast room. "Lovely day, isn't it!" he exclaimed. He plunked down next to Cain and spotted his plate. "Oh, did you already butter my muffin?"
Raw smiled. "Would definitely say so." It was always nice to learn new slang.