2:54 PM 2/22/2005 <- 3rd attempt begin time
This is now my second attempt to type out my live journal update
As many of you may already know, Chris (my new boyfriend) came to Portland this weekend to see me. He got here Friday morning at 12:31 am and I went to get him at the airport. It was love at first chat for me of course, but meeting him in person confirmed anything and everything I felt for him. He's absolutely without a doubt the man of my dreams and for so many reasons I couldn't possibly list them all. It would have to start somewhere in the beginning and somehow linked to a twisted lil website called www.happytreefriends.com ... Who would have thought that a link posted on a profile would bring two ppl that belong together so close :P At any rate, Chris came to town and it was magical from the very first moment. We wrapped our arms around each other the first second we met and it seemed like I didn't leave them, even when he left to go back to San Diego. I'm sad he's gone now but before I get to the present, I want to highlight our time together... Starting with early Friday morning...
We started our evening heading back to my place and then for the rest of the night talking and etc and etc and etc (no details for you) but at anyrate, we spend Friday lounging and exploring my neighborhood (which is really cool because i live in a neato part of town with lots of neato stuff around) We ate at The Laughing Planet Cafe. We also met a server there who was going to be going to the show that night as well, which was really cool! But then we went back to my place and took a wee bit of a nap and didn't end up waking up until about about 5:15 which severely altered our original plans, but needless to say, we rushed and hopped in the shower (and then we didn't rush so much in there *eyes rolling* yes more mushy stuff) and then we were off for an evening of fun which included going to a pub called Blue Moon, after I get the stuff scanned in you can see it better but I'm going to post links at the bottom of the entry so you can look if you like. Blue Moon was a nice beginning, we had beer and snacks and then headed off to the theatre to see Spike & Mikes Wicked Film Festival or something like that, but this was my first festival and Chris' 10th. It was great sharing that with him. We laughed alot and had a good time there. We even played punch the ball during the intermission which tends to be a groovy tradition during that time, all i have to say is "Cock a doodle doo" (chris is smiling right now i know)... After the show we went back to the Blue Moon and had more drinks and a blow job (yes, I mean the shot) and some choccie coffee beans. We didnt make it dancing that night but we did find our way to a store and managed to buy more alcohol then back to the hotel room. This was an incredible night together because we could do whatever we like. There weren't any roomies around or any of my kids... so we got to spend the night doing exploratory procedures :P (i'll leave out the gory details but i'm sure you can imagine). We stayed at a place called Northrup in and it was absolutely perfect. Chris and I both flipped out on how cool the place was. You just had to be there. Chris took pics...I'm sure they'll be uploaded to the website soon and we'll share on here.
Getting back to the story, we woke up Saturday morning and took our time getting motivated and then headed to brunch. We went to a funky lil "seinfield" type diner called "Regular Joes" and then had a huge breakfast where we proceeded to find out all kinds of sordid details that we found we had in common. He likes his eggs scrambled with cheese too. *smile* Every moment we spent together was amazing because we kept finding out these little details that connected us more and more. And even in fear of sounding like a country song, (namely Kenny Chesney) that's the good stuff. The "good stuff" to me means all the little details that connect you and your mate in ways that only you two can understand the significance of. I love that. It makes me feel closer to him. It's the good stuff. Moving along again... After buying lotto tickets , we headed back to my place to see what was going on there. We spent the rest of the day with the kids around the house and Chris took Jake for a haircut. When they got back Chris, Jake and me went to the mall to do some light shopping... after that we came home and went dancing with my room mate and her date. We went to a bar called New Copper Penny and spent the entire night getting immensely buzzed and danced our booties off. I was so happy!
I finally have a man that can dance! I loved dancing with him... and he's an awesome dancer too! So hot when you got a man that not only makes you laff your ass off, make you dance all night, and turn you on like no other. I would say I have the complete package. I guess it just goes to show you that you should never give up. Okay so after dancing until 4 am, we went left the bar at which time I thought I was a leprachan and tried to jump in the air and tap my feet together... i was so tipsy... i twisted my ankle and then went to the parking lot and pissed between two dumpsters... how sexy am I? Atleast I did it between the dumpsters, Chris pissed on a pole.... in the middle of the parking lot. My roommate was kind enough to find me a napkin and bring it to me... Chris was busy peeing :P Then we went to breakfast at this pancake house, only they didn't call them pancakes... they called them hotcakes... I call them pancakes. I was really tipsy so Chris made me sit down and hold the booth while they were in line ordering food. Chris and I spent more time eating breakfast than we did any other meal while he was here. Which is really odd, because neither one of usually ever eats breakfast. :P Go figure... okay so then we finally made it home sometime around 5:30 am or so and passed out.
Sunday was definately a day of rest and relaxation, but we still found time to go get stuff for him to make dinner which was ab fab and also a birthday cake for Janee, my 3 yr old daughter. My friend from work came over too, her name is Marie, she's an older lady from Chile and I love her to death. She always makes me smile. Chris liked her too. I believe that you should have friends of all ages. Wisdom comes with experience and experience comes with age, plus I trust Marie's opinion. Chris will be happy to know he met his inspection with flying colors. We ended up laying down on the couch to watch a movie (a spike and mike flick that chris picked up) and fell asleep. We snuggled on the couch most of the night and then made it to bed and slept so sweetly together. Monday morning I had to go into work BLAH ! I didn't get home until like 1:15 and resigned from my job.
I was in no mode to put up with any BS from my boss and as it turns out, she wants me to come back. I don't know , I think she's learning that she's not the only one that is learning about boundaries. And then we spent the afternoon cuddling and being close and then Jake went with us to take Chris to the airport. I'm thankful I took the lil man of the house with me, even if he can be irritating and will probably give Chris gray hair before me, he offered a bit of distraction to my being devestated at Chris leaving.
So for a finalization, (if you're still reading) I'm going to San Diego to see my man either in March or the first week in April, then he is coming up in May and then me and the kids are going for a vacation the second week in June for a visit with Chris. After that, who knows... I'll keep the updates coming. Mainly for me than anybody else, but just in case someone else is reading, I'm going to post the links to the cool stuff!
http://www.northrupstation.com/ Blue Moon:
http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=11&id=549 Spike & Mikes:
http://www.spikeandmike.com/images/festival-photos/Festival_04_05_pg2-3.jpg Pics of me and chris:
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/lillostone73/my_photoshttp://www.sdpaintball.com/portland/ okay finally I'm done... :)
5:20 PM 2/22/2005 <-completion time
and this is what i get when i try to update :(
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