Jun 07, 2005 18:15
been having some good times, the parentals are in fla, so i can go out and paaaarrrtttyyyaaa lol. on sunday i went to the beach with claire and emily and it was really fun. like, i've wanted for so long to just be able to wake up and be like "hm, it's nice, let's drive to the beach"! having your license is the best thing in the world =).
so i've been very healthy lately! i'm proud of myself, i really want to actually loose weight this summer and i think i might, for once, achieve this. i'm sick of not being happy with myself, you know? so i went to the YMCA yesterday and today and did some hardcore working out. it's so nice to be so disgustingly sweaty b/c it feels so good to know you're actually working hard. and exercising releases endorphines that make you happy!
today i had my allergy shots, and came home to eat lunch. and i meant to go back to school, i swear, but all of the sudden i woke up and realized i had slept through the rest of the day. lol, but oh well, who cares, i need the sleep.
and tomorrow i have yet another art field trip, i really think this is like our 12th of the year, i love it! we're going to some museum and then taking a class, should be fun. i love my art people =)
oh the end is soooo close! finals start weds, hopefully i'll do alright, in some classes it's really necessary for me to do well b/c my grade is right on the edge...this wasn't really my best year school-wise, but they say junior year's the hardest.
i love this weather! except...i still haven't gotten the air conditioning in my car fixed lol