and it keeps going!

Jun 26, 2008 15:22

My shiny red hate monkey is currently clear cutting the uterine rain forest ahead of schedule. I suppose it could be stress, heaven knows I've has a tiny bit in the past few weeks. The last straw came yesterday 
because I got a call from the gyno to tell me about my test results. He told me that my ultrasound (no, it was a CT) showed a (singular) cyst that had had an 'incident" or 'occurrence' (I forget what he called it) but everything was fine now. He wanted me to do another ultrasound (no, it would be the first one) in 6 weeks just to make sure everything was still fine. (No mention of the other cysts, or the one on my kidney, or the possible fibroid, or that it was a fucking CT) I say sure, cause that's what my regular doc wants and he puts me on with the nurse to schedule the appointment. When I tell her that I have an appointment with the regular doc already (which I should have clairified, what I should have said was does it matter that I have a regular doc appointment, that's who I went to first, will it mess with my insurance?) she quickly puts me back on with the gyno who says "Well Kelly, too many cooks spoil the pot. if you end up needing surgery, I'm going to be the one that will have to do it, not them. This will only make it take longer. *sigh* Just have them send me a copy of the report." *CLICK*
That's right , he hung up on me. And I just sat there like a chastised little sinner, mouth gaping. Then burst into tears. WTF?!? And were the hell does that surgery crack come from, I thought everything was hunky dorey and all in my head? What a bastard!

On the upside, I now own my car. This month was my last payment! And I'm going to see Eddie Izzard for free Saturday. Plus me and Kerry are going to Disney in October.

So that's something.
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