OOC Post: Booze-Theft For Grades!

Apr 24, 2008 13:47

This post is for any students in Kerrigan's Tactics class, who might want to try for swiping some of Tink's sweet, sweet liquor in exchange for an easy A.

You've got three options:

1) Ping into the Pixie Dust post for today in the marked OCD thread and play out distracting Tink or bribing her or however you plan on doing it, and leaving with her liquor.

2) Ping into the Pixie Dust post that Romeo puts up on Monday and play it out there. There will be AU kidlets, which may be a help in the distraction department, but you never know. There will be a marked OCD thread.

3) Attempt to break into Pixie Dust sometime when it is closed. For that, you need to comment here with details on what your character is trying so we can work out how it's gonna go down.

Remember: ICA = ICC, and all that good stuff, and Tink may not be that bright, but she loves her booze stash.

Comments are screened. Hooray, pixie abuse!


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