Secluded Spot in the Park, Tuesday Afternoon

Mar 04, 2008 13:39

There was a lovely little secluded spot in the park, with trees and flowers and a huge orchestral sweeping sound! And among it all, a tiny pixie, waving her wand and swooping through the trees, flowers bursting into bloom behind her, and the trumpets were building, and the violins were building, and she pirouetted several times and the music hit its peak! And all of the pixie dust shot out in a rain and the blossoms filled the air and the music sweeeeeeeeeeelled ...

And Tinker Bell opened her mouth, expectantly, and nothing at all came out.

The unseen orchestra made a disappointed "PFFFFUTZ" sort of noise, as though a very large man were farting. The blossoms fell to the ground, shriveled.

Tink stomped her foot angrily. Damn this stupid town anyway! And sauntered offscreen, in a full snit.

(Forgive me, I couldn't resist. NFI, but OOC is love.)

tink fails at omwf

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