Here we go again. Please loving and udnerstanding and justice hungry friends? please make the call?

May 20, 2009 14:33

CALL Speaker Pelosi today AND ASK HER TO BE A CHAMPION ON IMF REFORM! Call her Washington office at (202) 225-0100.

When you speak to the receptionist, you can say:

"My name is ___________ and I'm calling from _______________[city/state].  In the conference committee on the supplemental, Speaker Pelosi has the power to be a champion for reform of the IMF's policies which have limited access to health care and education in poor nations and poor country debt relief. I urge Speaker Pelosi to include language in the conference report that ensures IMF agreements do not impose contractionary, recession-worsening policies as they currently are doing, which is resulting in rising unemployment and the closure of hospitals and schools. Thank you."
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