the biggest chance you're likely ever get to help millions of poor people

May 13, 2009 19:04

 and if that's not enough, do it as a personal favor to me


Right now, the Senate is considering attaching $100 billion in funding for the IMF to the wartime supplemental appropriations bill moving through Congress.  But Congress should not give the IMF a blank check. If the IMF funding request moves ahead, Congress should take the opportunity to require significant IMF reform and to require the IMF to allocate a portion of its vast gold reserves for expanded poor country debt relief.

As a Massachusetts resident, we need your help! As Chair of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Kerry has the unique power to be a champion for IMF gold sales for debt relief and reform of the IMF’s conditionality policies in poor nations. Senator Kerry has been a long time leader on issues of poor country debt relief, HIV/AIDS, and global health and other issues, so playing such a role should come naturally to him.

But Senator Kerry needs to hear from you! Call Senator Kerry NOW and urge him be a leader on IMF reform!

Call Senator Kerry's office at 202----- and ask to speak to his staffer who works on IMF issues.

"My name is ___________ and I'm calling from _______________[city/MA].   I am calling to ask Senator Kerry to be a leader on IMF (International Monetary Fund) reform. As Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, he has the power to be a champion for IMF gold sales for expanded poor country debt relief and to call for reform of the IMF’s conditionality policies which have limited access to health care and education in poor nations.  I urge Senator Kerry to speak with Senate and Appropriations Committee leadership in support of IMF debt relief and real IMF reform.  Thank you."

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