Fic - Nevermore - NCIS - Gibbs, Fornell

Mar 14, 2013 16:10

Title: Nevermore
Author: tinkerbell99
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Prompt: ncis_drabble challenge #329 Poetry
Characters: Gibbs, Tobias Fornell
Genre: Gen Fic
Summary: "You're like some deranged Edgar Allan Poe character, you know that?"


"You're like some deranged Edgar Allan Poe character, you know that?"

Glancing up from the boat, Gibbs acknowledged the words with a cautious glare.

Fornell's shoes squeaked down his stairs. "Sitting down here in your basement in the middle of the night while I stand out in the rain tap, tap, tapping at your chamber door."

"Never took you for a poetry fan, Tobias."

"Our mutual ex-wife. Always brought out a touch of the macabre." He leaned against the work bench. "Among other things," Fornell smirked and accepted a full mason jar. Swallowing, he looked around with narrowed eyes. "You don't have any bodies buried under your floorboards, do you?"

"None I'd tell you about."

"Of course not." Fornell rubbed absently at a rib of wood before backing away under Gibbs' warning stare. "At least you got to keep your tools. She cleaned me clear out of everything. Even my poetry books."

"I warned you it was going to happen."

"Why would I have believed you? You were just the bastard ex-husband."

"And look how far we've come." Gibbs swished his drink thoughtfully. "Could always go ask for them back."

"Ha. Ask Diane? For anything? Quoth the Raven, Jethro. Nevermore."


fic, ncis, drabble

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