Fic - A Year in the Life - NCIS

Mar 10, 2013 10:08

Title: A Year in the Life
Author: tinkerbell99
Character/Genre: Team, Gen
Rating: G
Challenge: ncis_drabble challenge #328 Year
Word Count: 400 (4 x 100)
Summary: One case, one team, one year in the life.



"There should be a rule. When the snow is higher than the boots," Tony made another unsuccessful attempt to prevent ice from seeping into his sock, "we call it a day and go home."

"Gibbs says this area was the last confirmed location of Petty Officer Collins -"

"Whatever happened to snow days? Used to love those. No school, no trudging through Rock Creek Park in the middle of a blizzard looking for -"

The head slap cut him off. "You think Petty Officer Collins is having a snow day?" Gibbs growled.

"Course not, boss."

"Then get back to work!"



Tony ripped off his sunglasses as he strode into the bullpen, eyes wandering down to appreciate a fluttering skirt. "Good morning, sunshine," he grinned.

His duffle landed with a thud next to his desk. McGee sniffled nearby. "What's wrong with you?"

Tim raised bloodshot eyes from his screen. "Allergies, Tony. The pharmacy lost my prescription."

"McGoober…" Tony stared in wonder at puffy eyes.

Gibbs swung past their desks. "Gear up. Got a possible sighting of Collins at a flower shop in Bethesda."

A grin widened slowly across Tony's face. "Hear that, McGee?" he chuckled. "We're going to a flower shop!"



"We have been doing this all day!" Ziva huffed, exiting yet another storage unit in the August heat. "In and out and in and out…and the smell in some of these! Why would a person put food inside of a storage unit?"

"Smell will be worse if one actually has Collins' body," McGee muttered as he readied the crowbar on a particularly difficult door. Sweat ran rivers down his neck.

Gibbs drained his cup, tossed it aside, and took up position. "I do not know how you drink coffee in this weather." Ziva shook her head.

"Gotta stay hydrated, Ziva."



Once at Rock Creek Park, Gibbs swung from the truck and massaged his knee. Weather was going to change. Maybe snow in a few days.

Tape was already cordoned around the remains. "Well, Duck? That our guy?"

Ducky nodded, gesturing to a wallet in the leaves. "Mitchell Collins. Poor fellow has likely been here all along. Hidden first by the snow, then by the foliage."

"He's been here all year?" Tony sputtered in disbelief. "We spent a year looking for this guy and he was right here all along?"

"Yeah, well," Gibbs muttered quietly. "It's a year in the life."


fic, ncis

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