May 27, 2009 12:59
Tomorrow is surgery day. I'm getting an arthroscopy in the ankle joint, which sounds like it's gonna be complicated and painful and generally unpleasant. Basically, they pump my joint full of fluids, stick a small camera on a stick in there and poke around. The upside to this is that the doc figured he might as well remove my junkyard of a metal collection down there while he was at it, and that's what I wanted in the first place, so I'll take it. They want to sedate me fully, which I am quite apprehensive about and I'm gonna ask (and beg and plead and throw a tantrum if I must) to please have local anesthesia instead. While I like this doctor, I don't trust them poking around my leg if I'm not alert and monitoring. I don't like waking up from heavy sedation. It's unpleasant. And I don't want to risk waking up to the message that they didn't remove my pins anyway for whatever reason. I want to be there and let them know exactly what I can handle. And I think surgery is kind of exciting. Like watching CSI, only I'm the subject on the slab. That shouldn't appeal to me, but it totally does. :)
Yesterday was spent nursing a very sick Sven. He came down with the cold that's been bothering me all of last week, and of course it was ten times worse on him because real men don't get common colds, they get epic, titan-slaying colds. If his fever was anything to go by, though, the man had a point. So I did my best Florence Nightingale impression and tried - perhaps a little too hard - to pamper him the best I could. He's better today, and I'm sure my freshly sliced fruit and cuddling had everything to do with that. Or perhaps he's just dying to get out of the house. :)
So after tomorrow, I guess it's his turn to pamper me. I hope I'll be up and about fairly soon, but I'm expecting a bit of discomfort for at least a couple of days.