Sep 29, 2004 16:05
Omg whats wrong with me i keep forgetting to write... ok so the last time i wrote was... a long time ago... anyway im sorry its been a while but its been really hectic lately... even more so than usual... anyways all this shit has been goin on with the danya dlaini and bobby walker crsis... geez erryone GET OVER IT!! i luv danya.... sooooo much.... and i know how she feels and i know it sucks.... but also i dont know how to say this nicely.... she has dated since him though... and i dont know... i dont expect bobby to stay single forever... but what ever thats none of my buissness... anywayy... i like this new kid cant say his name yet cuz im not sure whats happenenin... but wen sumthin does... ill keep u posted... so anyway delainis goin out w/ bobby now... and danyas pissed... and jason and meghan are spending A LOT of time together now!!! who knoes... sumthin might happen ... keep u posted on that ... alsso theres another rumor goin round bout brittany and havy... omg ppl GET OVER IT!!!... there is a BIG difference between sumone driving sum1 ho9me... and boning and having sex at motel 6!!! GOD! ayways... um im gonna try out for the competition dance team so wish me luck!!! FINGERS CROSSED! tomarrow i have a test im spaninsh... we';ll see how that goes... for the most part today was a good day... but w/e i m gonna go talk to ma boi!!! aND THen im gonna make like a tree and leaf HAHA dont know where im goin but im goin O U T out!!! CARPE DIA!!!! seize the day!!! DEAT POET SOCIETY best movie ever!!!