So it's friday, so I don't really feel like I should have to grind my nose too hard so I'm making a post, mostly because I need to record my new years resolutions down somewhere where people can see them and therefore yell at me in about one year when the majority of them remain unfulfilled, but also to post a link to some super awesome bentos... So first, resolutions... well actually, first I would like to preface the next paragraph with I don't normally make resolutions because i never complete them and it makes me feel bad, but here we are...
- Loose at least 10 pounds by the end of the year
Ok, the ultimate goal is to loose 25lbs in two years, but I think 10lbs in one year is do-able. Since I've started dating Boy, I've gained about 12lbs, which kinda sucks, since right before I started dating him I was at my lowest weight in years and I felt really good about myself. I get that weight loss is probably the most common new years resolution to be made but I'm not really happy at my current weight. I would like to blame Boy for the weight gain, but truth is that i stopped climbing, and my eating habits have deteriorated significantly. So to jump start this goal, I've signed up for 3 classes starting next week and I'm also hoping to swim lanes once a week. Tuesdays I have Burlesquercise, Wednesdays I have pole, and Sundays i have ballroom with Boy... I really hope I'm not going to over exert myself.
- I want to cook more
This goal kinda fits in with the first one, since I eat out alot, and restaurant food is not exactly healthy or cheap, but it's also because Boy gave me a shiny new chef's knife and pea green Le Creuset dutch oven for Christmas and I feel like I should use them. Also, I seem to be adept a baking, but not so much with the cooking. I used to be really into cooking. like all the way back in high school, but as the years wore on, I tended to only focus on baking, so time to see if I can actually cook and try some new stuff.
- Plant an herb garden
Yeah, my resolutions are all kinda interconnected, so what? Cooking with fresh herbs is better for you, and usually more tasty. Also, once again, I used to do some gardening when I lived at home, ages ago, but obviously not anymore. I really don't think my two dinky cacti count as gardening since I only remember to water them once ever two months or so and they kinda take care of themselves. That being said, I plan to plant a potted herb garden. If anyone has any suggestions as to what herbs i should plant, by all means pipe up, all I got so far is basil, mint, rosemary and maybe thyme.
- Craft more
I think this year's resolution theme should be "recapturing the past", since I used to craft alot, and now...not so much. I did a little for Christmas but I never really finished it since crochet is sometimes very frustrating, but other than that I haven't done a whole lot. I've got alot of projects that I would like to start and alot of projects that I've started by never finished... Time to get stuff done!
- Get a tattoo
Something I've wanted to do for years but kept putting off, and something people have actually asked me about; Like even my mom asked me why I haven't gotten inked yet. I don't think I'll have enough money or vacation time to go to Belgium so I won't be going to my dream tattoo shop but I've been scoping out some of the local shops and I know what I want to get done so I think this year is the year to get it done. Also, completely unrelated, but 2009 will be the year of the ox, so as long as you were born between 20 Feb 1985 - 8 Feb 1986, this year will be your year! (FYI: Chinese Zodiac runs on the lunar calendar, Chinese new year falls on Jan 26, first new moon of the year!) Nothing special happens, but I feel that it's a special year for me none the less...
Look at these
geeky Bentos!!! They are so awesome I had to tell someone right away, but since I'm at work, and everyone else I know is at work or out of the country, and I don't want to tell my co-workers, I'm making a post, because seriously, awesome... yay run on sentence. I love the rabbid cookies and the yawning Totoros...amazing
Have a good weekend!!!