Let's just classify this under "No News is Good News"

Sep 14, 2005 23:44

Or at least, I suspect that's what Bush thinks.

Recently he made an address to the nation in which he said that the American people had seen John Roberts, and they liked what they saw.

Really? I haven't really seen ANYthing from John Roberts. I don't know anything about him other than that he worked for Reagan and he's a carbon-based life-form. Oh, and that he may or may not be (but probably is) pro-life.

Unless I've missed a memo, "not objecting vociferously" does NOT equal "liking".

Anyway, the DNC filed an order under the freedom of information act demanding something, ANYthing, so we know what the hell Roberts stands for so we know if he's worth confirming. No idea if they found anything out, or not. The confirmation hearings have been pretty...lame, really. Perplexing. Not especially helpful. I mean, I realize we have other things on our collective minds, and we SHOULD. But still. Let's actually ask something worth knowing.

And yes, I DID mean to post this earlier. My computer and my modem and my browsers have not been getting along lately.
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