A follow-up to the earlier rant

Sep 09, 2005 11:48

Ha! Brownie has been relieved of his hurricane Katrina command. Do you suppose that's because he brought new heights to the definition of "FUBAR?" Also, apparently he's been padding his resume. Although still not enough to cover the fact that he was asked to resign from running horse shows. Idiot.

I don't have a link for the Newsweek story about the resume padding, but will try to add it soon. In the meantime, you can check out the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's story, which touches on both.

And hey, maybe he's leaving FEMA altogether. After he cries into his margarita.

Actually, it says he would stay untl the end of hurricane season. Sure. Because he's been such a great help on the LAST hurricane. IDIOT.
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