Title: Yoru wa Hoshi wo Nagamete Okure
Pairing: YamaChii
Genre: angst
Rating: PG
Word count: 673 words
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Listen to this as you read it. :D
Yuri had his blanket wrapped around him, it was total darkness, the night was silent, his bed was ever so comfortable but he couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning from side to side, he tried his best to will himself to sleep but sleep never came and he stayed wide awake behind those closed eyes.
Sighing, he peeled off his blanket and got out of bed.
He's missing him again, the only reason that could cause him insomnia.
Walking towards the window beside his bed, he pushed it open and shivered slightly as the cold wind blew in.
"Genki da na..?"
Pulling his blanket along with him, he climbed out of the window and onto the small porch outside it. It was big enough for him, big enough to fit him with his arms wrapped around his knees. He leaned back against the wall beside the window and covered himself with the blanket.
Looking up into the night sky, stars were twinkling and he smiled towards them.
"Boku wa genki yo."
Whenever we climb up the stairs of the pedestrian bridge, I would always trail behind you. I bet you know why.
"Ryo-chan no senaka ga suki!"
That back view of yours, one that looks protecting and safe. You would turn around and flash me your brightest smile and then hold your hand out for me. Smiling back, I would hold on to you tightly and we would walk home together as we fool around.
Do you remember? We used to lie on our backs in your room and talk about traveling overseas together.
"Where would you want to go?"
"Ii na~"
"I want to try Africa!"
"Ehhh~ Which part?"
"The Sahara desert!"
I laughed and you smiled back at me as you describe what we could do there and how much fun we would be having.
I finally got my passport Ryo-chan, but you're not here anymore.
Yuri pulled his blanket around and held it tighter, imagining the warmth to be his arms around him.
That night I cried, a sudden attack of insecurities and I ran to you. You received me with your arms wide open and hug me tight as I spilled my worries to you.
"What happens if you leave me one day? I don't want to live alone."
I held on to you tight but you didn't speak a word. Instead, you bend down and simply kiss me softly on my forehead. When I look up at you with my tears-streaked face all you did was smile. Immediately I felt safe, that gentle smile of yours, it reassured me.
When the news came, my whole world crumbled. You weren't here anymore, I wouldn't see your smile anymore. Shock hit me then grief overtook it and I started crying.
Your parents came over and passed me a letter, one that was addressed to me. I took it in my hands and saw my name in your handwriting. At that moment, the pain was so strong that I wish I could die.
Yuri could still remember the contents of that letter, those words Yamada wrote to him. A tear fell but he remained smiling as he look up into the sky.
"Ryo-chan, boku wa genki da yo."
"Don't cry Yuri, don't cry because of me. It's weird isn't it? Because I'm happy. I'm happy that you're with me. With you being there, it's pure bliss.
If I were to die, don't cry Yuri. People always say that when someone dies, they turn into stars. Look up at the sky when it's night time and gaze at the stars. They're smiling aren't they? That's me you know! It's me smiling at you. I'm right here, beside you. I never left. So let's smile together.
Remember that night? Actually I wanted to tell you 'You're not living on your own. Don't ever say that.' You have me and I want to see you smiling always. Because when I see you smile, I feel bliss.
Let's smile together Yuri~ and you'll see that it's not sad after all."
A/N: I hope it's not confusing.... written base on the song Yoru wa hoshi wo nagamete okure by TegoMasu. <3 I love the song~~~ Wouldn't say it's well written though. D: