Title: Say It
tinga13Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan
Type of Fic: drabble
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of Stargate: Atlantis. I am making no money from this, and I’m only writing for fun.
“Tell me that again.”
“Which part?”
“The good part.”
“Which part is the good part?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“I do?”
“Very funny. Just humor me and say it one more time.”
“I missed you.”
“No, I got that part. The other part.”
“Atlantis has missed you.”
“Teyla, don’t make me pin you against that wall and kiss it out of you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Wouldn’t I?”
“Here? In front of everyone? I doubt it.”
“You really want to try me?”
“Very well then. I love you.”