Fact: bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

May 31, 2008 05:06

I'm always so late clambering onto these bandwagon things. I blame my weak ankles. I've never had my ankles tested but I bet they're weak.
Apart from Buffy (a mere season into a seven season run), the Mighty Boosh (which I was quoting before Noel Fielding was actually born, ahemahemahem) and, I dunno, others (Dawson's Creek, maybe. I was 12, I loved Pacey Witter), I never manage to get into a show until it's nearly over. My Twin Peaks awakening happened last year, which turned out to be about a bajillion years after it ended; I gave Roswell a chance when it was on the telly but it was only a couple of months ago that I watched it proper, had a little cry, and decided that I loved it even though it hadn't been acceptable for about a decade; and it took me a good two years after its cancellation to realize that The Office and Martin Freeman may very well be the two primary loves of my life.
Also Firefly. And Doctor Who. Life On Mars. Most films.
I am Harold to a lot of televisual Maudes, if you catch my drift.

Battlestar Galactica is the latest in a long line. I am filled with regret. But it takes finishing uni forevaaaaar and the subsequent discovery of rather a lot of spare time in order to catch up with these things, it would seem.

You can shorten this entry down to 'BSG, though. Phwoar, eh.' if you like.

Also does anyone know where I can get hold of Hyperdrive? I mean for free. Preferrably on a streaming website. I've tried all my usuals but all they have is the first episode, which is the biggest tease since my dad printed off a fake lottery ticket with that weeks winning numbers on it and let me scream and bounce around the living room for a good ten minutes before letting me in on his hilarious charade.

That never happened. Maybe if it had I'd be closer with my family.

our missiles have failed

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