I love surveys.

Mar 24, 2003 16:15

I need to post more, but here is a survey that I filled out in the mean time.

C U R R E N T S . . .
[ Current Clothes ] a black longsleeve shirt, jeans, & black flip flops
[ Current Mood ] confused, undecisive, bored, tired & aggravated
[ Current Music ] "season of love" from rent
[ Current Taste ] strawberry bubblegum
[ Current Make-up ] light eyeliner, sort of shiny eyeshadow, redish lip gloss, a little bit of cover-up and some powder, mascara.. god i'm starting to wear a lot of makeup nowadays
[ Current Hair ] straight and down, very boring.
[ Current Annoyance ] the fact that my music makes me think the phone is ringing
[ Current Smell ] nada
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] homework.. what else?
[ Current Desktop Picture ] pictures of something corporate
[ Current Favorite Artist ] dashboard guy
[ Current Favorite Group ] something corporate
[ Current Book ] The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Frog King, Franny and Zooey, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Catcher In The Rye, and many more...
[ Current CD in CD Player ] an ataris mix
[ Current DVD In Player ] when in rome.. hahahaha!
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] no color
[ Current Refreshment ] nada
[ Current Worry ] that christan got a new screename and didn't give it to me.. how lame is that worry?
[ Current Crush ] christan, but FINALLY GETTING OVER HIM.. so sort of dave
[ Current Favorite Celebrity ] ryan phillipe, tom welling & andrew mcmahon

L A S T P E R S O N . . .
[ You Touched ] rena
[ You Talked to ] my elderly neighbor
[ You Hugged ] dana
[ You Instant messaged ] james
[ You Yelled At ] mi madre
[ You Had A Crush On ] before christan? julian
[ Kissed ] mi madre.. haha!
[ Who Broke Your Heart ] christan or yeah him.

F A V O R I T E . . .
[ Food ] cornbread
[ Drink ] shirley temples
[ Color ] pink
[ Album ] don't know
[ Shoes ] my adidas
[ Candy ] lifesaver kickerz!
[ Animal ] I don't like animals...
[ TV Show ] gilmore girls, everwood, american dreams
[ Movie ] the dangerous lives of altar boys, I am sam, igby goes down, center stage, and more...
[ Dance ] the foxtrot.. cough.. eeeeerm yes!
[ Song ] no idea
[ Vegetable ] potato
[ Fruit ] pinapple
[ Cartoon ] alvin and the chipmunks or the carebears

A R E Y O U . . .
[ Understanding ] most of the time
[ Open-minded ] I think so.
[ Arrogant ] naw
[ Insecure ] in certain situations
[ Interesting ] I hope so
[ Random ] at times
[ Hungry ] always!
[ Friendly ] yes and no, but mostly yes
[ Smart ] not as smart as I would like to be
[ Moody ] no
[ Childish ] hehehe
[ Independent ] no
[ Hard working ] NO
[ Organized ] not really, but on occasion
[ Healthy ] no, i need to work on that
[ Emotionally Stable ] yes
[ Shy ] only sometimes
[ Difficult ] i'm picky, but i'm not difficult.. make sense?
[ Attractive ] eh.
[ Bored Easily ] depends what it is
[ Messy ] oh my, yes
[ Thirsty ] not usually
[ Responsible ] most of the time
[ Obsessed ] yes yes yes!
[ Angry ] not really at all
[ Sad ] rarely
[ Happy ] most of the time! but not really happy, just a happy person.. yeah.
[ Hyper ] very, very, very hyper.
[ Trusting ] i trust others more than I should.
[ Talkative ] yes I am if i'm comfortable
[ Legal ] I wish...
[ Original ] different.. but not so original
[ Different ] hehehe..yes
[ Unique ] oh yeah.
[ Ignored ] by the people that matter the most.. no, not really, but sometimes
[ Reliable ] yes
[ Content ] sort of
[ Optimistic ] except when I'm not
[ Deep thinker ] I think deeply about subjects that aren't very deep
[ Self-disciplined ] yes
[ Sleepy ] always
[ Lonely ] rarely...
[ sexy ] always baby. haha

W H O D O Y O U W A N T T O . . .
[ Kill ] suddam hussain
[ Slap ] christan
[ Get Really Wasted With ] christan... but at the same time no
[ Get High With ] i don't know, but a guy
[ Tickle ] julian or james
[ Look Like ] kristin kreuk or natalie portman
[ Talk To Offline ] christan
[ Online ] same and tyrese
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