We have a plan, we have a definite plan to level the vibes (vibes) to level the vibes again (oh-yea)

Feb 23, 2007 11:55

I never post in here cause I never have anything to write, but I had the strangest evening last night and I lived to tell about it, hahaha!

Anyway, first of all: Yesterday a strange car was noticed sitting on the road in front of our house. It was an all black neon with smoked out windows. It had apparently been sitting there all day and there was some guy in it video recording something. So finally last night my Dad got fed up and went down to ask this guy what the heck he was doing ( I watch to much TV and I was afraid the guy was armed so I made my Dad strap on his gun before he went.) The guy acted all fishy and refused to tell my Dad what he was doing and refused to leave so Pastor Marc (him and Angel just happened to be at the Wallace's with the rest of us) called his state police officer friend and two cars were sent over to find out what was going on. Turns out the guy is a Private Investigator and he's watching someone in our area but refused to say who (creepy.) The police told him he had to leave, but way to be a creeper dude! Amber and I decided that between all the crazies that Nicole, her and I have encountered in our lives, it's probably one of them stalking us....anyway, weird!
After that's all done and over with Amber, Cory and I went to get gas in my car and as I was driving down White Lake Road this car suddenly ran a stop sign, nearly hit this other SUV and swung into my lane going about 60 mph straight for me. I veered off the road and the guy did the same thing! I knew right away he was drunk cause when someone mimics what you do when you're driving that's a sign that they are drunk. Thank the Lord there was a tree between him and I and he hit the tree instead of me! I jumped out of the car to make sure that he was okay and so did the other guy he almost hit. Turns out there were 3 illegal immigrants all drunk in the car and the house they had crashed in front of was theirs. So they kind of freaked out and were like "We're okay, we're okay, sorry sorry! No need for police!" Then they ran into the house.The other guy they almost hit was a former police officer so he called the cops and reported what happened and then we all went on our merry way!Oh and I moving to Chicago in 8 days!!!!!!
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