Feb 14, 2008 07:44
So I just slept for another ten hours and I am beginning to become a little bit concerned. Lately all I have been doing is working and sleeping (which doesn't sound that bad except that I'm only working about 16 hours a week). It doesn't matter what time I get home from campus, I pretty much retire to my bedroom straight away. I only get up when the stomach rumblings force me to eat something, then I'm right back in bed for the remainder of the night. So if anyone's been wondering why I've been out of touch for the last week, it's because I am apparently in hibernation mode.
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was pregnant.
But the truth is probably much stranger than that. In fact, has anyone out there ever had mono? 'Cause my sister back home has got it... and I spent a lot of time with her when I was home for the holidays... and there's apparently a four to six week incubation period, which means that if I got it from her, now would be the time for symptoms to start showing up...
You know, 'cause it's just one more thing to add to my big ol' plate o' fun that I've already got going on.
But I don't really have any of the other classic symptoms. I've had kind of a low-grade fever once or twice. And I had a bad head cold, but no sore throat. I don't really feel like eating much lately. Ooh, and I did have a completely unexplained muscle ache recently that took days to go away.
Of course, my student health insurance has expired, so I can't just go down and get tested. And it's not like there's too much by the way of treatments, anyhow. Still... it'd be nice to know what's going on, so I can be gentle on myself instead of beating myself up over all the sleeping and general exhaustion.
What do you guys think? Should I avoid kissing and water fountains for the forseeable future (what a nice think to think about on Valentine's Day!)??
By the way, the weather analogy goes both ways... lately, Mother Nature has become a HUGE bitch. The other day we got some snow... then some sleet... then more snow, making for some pretty nasty conditions. In fact, on the same day two things happened: a water main in my apartment complex froze and burst, causing 75% of the apartments to be sans water for about a day (I was fortunate enough to not be one of them). Then, there was a massive car accident on the intersection right next to me here, one I had driven (and slid) through only minutes before. Two people were seriously injured. I am really starting to LOATHE winter, I swear...
Oy, I am pooped after writing this and catching up on my friends list... I think I need a nap before I go out to face the day. Damn, I hope I don't have mono...