I had a rough evening yesterday. I just felt so...odd and alone, which was odd. I've almost had it up to here (note, "here" is at about forehead-height) with all the dating sites and stuff. Nothing seems to be working out. But I can't give up. If I don't get my name out and about, I'll never meet anyone new. It's annoying and so very awkward to meet new people - especially when about 99% of the people you try to start a meager conversation with just delete and disown you right at the offset. I mean, seriously. Maybe that one particular site I'd heard good things about is actually what I initially thought it was - a very shallow, visually-based site under the guise of trying to be about conversations and interests.
Anyway, I just felt alone and my usual crew of people I talk to when I need to bitch and moan about something weren't about (or if they were, they weren't for long). It's just so...lonely, sometimes. Add on top of that the fact that I haven't moved out of the house yet, I'm not in for happy times; I probably could afford to live on my own and all (though I wouldn't be saving any money) but I'd be bored probably five out of seven nights of the week. Believe me, I'm trying to get out there and find some people to associate with - I have plenty of solo hobbies I do on my own but enough is enough. This is really my biggest worry about moving out. I'm a very social person, but only with those I've already been acquainted with.
At least the cell phone is on the way. After Caroline playfully ripped me on the phone about not having one a week or two ago, I finally got off my ass, found a sweet corporate deal through work, and have a lovely phone coming to my door sometime this week. At $27.50 a month for unlimited evenings and weekends, 300 anytime minutes, and absolutely no other charges (including for the phone itself, as long as I adhere to the 3 year contract) it's a pretty solid deal.
Oh yeah, I'm also in a grouchy mood because I'm getting my ass handed to me in Facebook Scrabble right now. I never give up, and I never whine or complain, truthfully - but dang, I've got 3 games going and I'm down by an average of 60-80 points in each. Bleh. My arch-nemesis strikes again!
On the plus side, I found this awesome video on YouTube. It's Batman-related and out of a comic from sometime in the 40's or 50's...and all the panels included within are totally legit. I remember when the word "boner" simply made "mistake". When did it get so...dirty?
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