So many failures in my life, recently. There really have been. The funny thing is that I'm still pretty upbeat about everything.
Let's see...this past week I've been entrusted to train one of the new ladies at work. That in itself isn't so bad, because I know I can train decently. I did it at a lot at Shell and they turned out OK, right? RIGHT? The downside, though, is in order to train, I like to take my time so my trainee can let what I'm saying sink in, rather than just rushing through it all - and the volume of customers we've had lately, coupled with the fact we're already short staffed, makes it quite difficult to do correctly. At least my trainee seems to be a quick learner, good at customer service, and a nice person as well. We've got like four more coming in the next few weeks for training as well. Is it always gonna be me they rely upon?
Our Thursday night was epic, too. With Good Friday being the following day, and no one working on said day, we could stay up late and get silly all Thursday long - which we did. It was more than just Mike and I this time; his girlfriend came out, Derrick made the journey from Langley, and Kate came cuz all her studying was driving her batty. It was good times. At the Landing (in Ladner) there were a number of us there - and I kept getting groped by our "elderly" (mid-late 40's?) waitress, on the arm, the back, the neck, etc. She's a regular there and she knows we are, too, but she has never been that forward, vocally or physically. After a few times Kate and I switched seats, as part of an experiment - to see if I'd still get all the lovin' as I was before. And it still happened. Not with the same frequency (cuz I was now adjacent to her "off hand") but it still happened.
Our next stop was at the Pioneer Pub in Richmond. I always liked going there, but even moreso now, because I'm a part owner. My picture was on the wall, after all! Always excited to see my immortalized sepia-toned self on the wall, I rushed in and looked - and I was gone. All that remained was a lighter-coloured square-shaped portion of wallpaper in its place. I was disheartened - what had happened? Where did it go? Would I ever see it again?
After a few minutes of searching for a seat, we got a table, soonafter to be joined by the pair of waitresses that urged me to put up a pic in the first place. It turned out that about a week prior, their manager noticed the strange picture on the wall and was pissed. She did not comment on the photo itself but didn't like the precedent it would set, allowing any client to just put their pic up without consent of the management. Furthermore, the photo is being held captive in her office and she's demanding to speak with the person in the picture - and I don't think it's to get my autograph.
Blast. It was a good few weeks in the limelight, though. Now I can't even replace it with a better photo because she'll be more wary and observant in the future.
Since I had the day off for the stat holiday on Friday (thanks, Jesus!) I thought I'd do something awesome - and drive down to Portland, Oregon, to see the
Dentmobile on its tour stop there. I wanted to pick up my free schwag - T-shirts, buttons, signs, bumper stickers, etc. After all the photos I've supplied for their website - I'll post the entire set later - I wanted to partake in this in person. The Dentmobile was in Seattle on Thursday, which would've been much more convenient, but alas, I had a job to do - that being, my job.
I left early - at say, 7:30 am. I wanted to leave earlier but due to the heavy beering the previous night, that wasn't happening. Knowing it was a long weekend, I expected long line-ups - but it took me THREE HOURS to cross. THREE HOURS. I was expecting maybe one hour. Anyway, I crossed and thought I MIGHT make it to Portland on time (4pm) but after the length of time it took me to drive down, and the hellish traffic through the Seattle area, I turned around at the Tacoma Dome and came home.
What a waste of a day. What a failure. And I was alone ALL DAY - and as you know, that's my biggest fear. Driving alone for like 12 hours in a day? Even without traffic and other line-ups that's very disheartening, especially if there's no one waiting for you at the other end.
Probably a good thing too, in retrospect, since it would appear I have a bit of a flat tire. Phew!