Day 35, Night off

Jul 12, 2005 20:27

As the students realize that they need to finish their projects and crunch time approaches, I am finding it harder and harder to be a useful member of staff. To help counteract this I decided that I had better take tonight off. It is very possible I will take tomorrow night off as well. It's just been so hard for me to feel like I'm doing anything of value here.

My AFLS this week is going alright. One of the three groups tried to cheat on their project today. I wasn't pleased and they were fairly upset that they got disqualified. Hopefully they will get their acts in gear tomorrow.

I think tomorrow we're going to do airplanes. I've been doing three events, a major one (worth the most points), a secondary one (worth fewer points), and a little dinky one (worth one or two points). The big project tomorrow will be to use anything they want to make an 'airplane' that will fly as far as possible when thrown. The second will be to make a more traditional airplane using only paper and paper clips. We haven't decided what our other event will be yet, but we'll think of something.

I don't have a rain plan, so if it rains I'll be angry. I'm planning on giving them the entire time Thursday to build a timer to time 10 seconds. I will have to remember to tell them to get their hands on a stop watch or something to practice using their devices.

Alright, I'm off to get ice cream. That's right. Ice cream. In your face.

ub, upity dessert

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