Day 12, Happy Father's Day

Jun 20, 2005 02:42

For a few minutes it looked like I would be one of the first of the late-night group to turn in tonight, which would have been a rarity indeed. I had already left the lounge to go put away my laundry from last night and pack my back for tomorrow. Then I decided to take my laptop out to the lounge and update my journal. As it turned out everyone else had about gone to bed except a couple of the most experienced people from each side of the dorm. Well we got to talking and before I knew it we were discussing all kinds of things about the summer from the dorm dynamics to the staff itself. It was really interesting and, thus, it is now nearly 3 AM.

Today's part of the weekend package went fairly well even though the person I was running the package with and I have some very different philosophies.

This evening was pretty relaxing. I got to play Up and Down the River, a card game that is fairly popular among the staff. I also got to trade back rubs, which was nice. Britta gives very good back rubs. I did miss out on a big staff game of Mao (or Mow, but pronounced like Mao). Mao is a great game that can be a lot of fun with a cleaver group of people.

On Sunday evenings we meet with our clusters. Mine didn't have any real concerns or questions so that was nice and didn't take too long. I haven't gotten as much time to hang out with the students as I would like but I've had to take extra care making sure my own health stays good.

The last thing before I went to bed the first time was Stoney started to tell his interesting stories about past years. 'The number two case' and 'the time we thought Dave was dead' are just a couple examples of the stories. He was pretty on tonight, especially for the 'The number two case' story and even I was captivated (I've heard it at least once every summer I've worked here).

Well that's about it for now. Tomorrow I start studying for my qualifying exam and begin teaching an AFLS on logic. Looks like truth tables will be in order.

Have a great start to your week everyone!

ub, mao, dave

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